It’s Day 5 friends!!
Follow Ups and Critical Next Steps

You’ve made it through 4 days of training!

NEXT TOPIC: Follow Ups & Critical Next Steps

People don’t join without FOLLOW UP conversations. Just keep the conversation going! It takes 5-7 messages back and forth AFTER the invite to a group or coaching before the person will likely buy or join.

Ask questions about THEIR needs.
If you are understanding, you’ll have INFLUENCE.

If you are focusing on what you want to sell, they’ll want to run.

Not getting a reply is normal. People are BUSY and it’s a decision they may have to discuss with their spouse 😉

Just re-start conversation “hey, btw, how’s ____?”

Expect Objections and use *FEEL FELT FOUND*
Ex: “YES!! i know how you feel! I felt Shakeology was too expensive too!! What I found was there’s really no other whole-food-based product like it. I just assumed it was a protein shake. For me, it solves my issue of _____!!”

Please see the example summary below for Coaching Info and the example for a bootcamp/challenge group. Save these for reference!!


  • Watch the “Getting to Emerald” training
  • Join your upline coach’s team page
  • Be sure to get on Monday’s National Wake Up call here every Monday Team Beachbody Coach 411 at 11am EST or watch/hear the recording there or the “Team Beachbody” podcast
  • Request to join the Beachbody® Champions group!
  • Save the picture below to your camera roll and understand how to earn Success Club! Earning Success Club earns you rewards, trips, higher income and is a gauge  that you are adding customers and coaches!