Shakeology Lead Program


You are assigned 1-3 Shakeology Home Direct customers per month following the month you qualify. So this is a HUGE benefit. Assigned Shakeology HD Customers and automatic $30 commissions for each one, each month.

All those assigned Shakeology customers add up over time.

NOTE: If you are assigned a Shakeology HD customer who cancels their HD order & therefore their 2nd shipment is non-existent, request a new customer thru Coach Relations. This is policy.


  1. Emerald Rank
  2. Join the club membership ($38.87 per quarter- this is how you get Beachbody On Demand)
  3. Have a bio written on your Team Beachbody  site
  4. Have a before OR an after picture on your Team Beachbody site
  5. Earn Success Club 10 for the month.

Customer Lead Program


You are assigned a customer who has purchased on the Team Beachbody site. You do not receive commission for their first order, but you do for subsequent orders.


  1. Paid rank of Emerald for at least one week during the previous calendar month.
  2. Join the club membership ($38.87 per quarter- this is how you get Beachbody On Demand)
  3. Have a bio written on your Team Beachbody site
  4. Have a before OR an after picture on your Team Beachbody site
  5. Earn Success Club 5 for the month.

Earn a Free Ticket to Summit

A coach achieves Success Starters by earning Success Club 5 or 10 in his or her first full 3 months as a coach.

By achieving Success Starters you earn a free ticket to Coach Summit!!