Whatever you’re pursuing, don’t be in denial
I used to be a very stressed person, over-worked, sleep deprived, time crunched, financially tight and in denial . “I’m fine” … “No no, I’m good, thanks”
I wanted to see my son more, be at work less, do something fulfilling, move more, ..but thought I wasn’t cut out for anything else and I convinced myself I was “comfortable” in my career and I was fine with that. Anything more was too good to be legit.
But deep down I felt something was missing. I’m SO glad I listened to that tiny voice in my head. Once I realized I could do this business on my OWN terms, my OWN message & style -not pushing products or pushing a body image, but instead promoting confidence, health & balance.. I was all in! So I joined & got on social media to start sharing and connecting, and slowly building a like-minded following; helping others.
Yes, I still worked full time for 2 years while getting my business on its feet …and I will NOT say that’s EASY
, but definitely do-able in pockets of time here and there, with Matt of course, & just giving ourselves lots of pep talks & time
being consistent. Now i teach my coaches to do the same. I train them on everything I know & everything we did to get here. Some want to do this casually, others want to be all in
If you’d like to know more, let me know here, and I’ll send you some info so you can decide for yourself (only if you’re not already a coach, or working with one).
Whatever you’re pursuing, don’t be in denial like I was & let time pass that you can’t get back.