Non-annoying Cardio Interval
I think one of the reasons people don’t love cardio is because it’s either too monotonous, or if it’s a HIIT or intense cardio interval, sometimes the moves are downright awkward and annoying (hard, but annoying/awkward to do). Are u with me?!?
So this is a cardio interval (can be done as a HIIT if u take short breaks and are ALL IN during the interval) of non-annoying but intense moves.
Well.. “annoying/awkward” is subject to debate but I personally think these pass the test
6 moves 1 minute each! 3-4 Rounds
1. Burpee into alternating lunge
2. Speed Skaters
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Jack with alternating front kick
5. Side lunge into knee +high punch
6. Ski jumps
Be sure to warm up & do dynamic stretches first!!