Entries by Jenelle Summers

Did you fit in a workout yet?

Did you fit in a workout yet? What was it?? There’s still time “Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, & all the fears you have overcome” (Click the image to play video.)

Congratulations, Tiffany!

Please help me congratulate Tiffany for achieving Emerald!!! Not only is her transformation AMAZING but Tiffany’s customers that join her challenge groups ROCK their results!! It’s SO cool to see how Tifffany is paying it toward to other moms like herself! It’s not about the size…it’s about feeling good about yourself and knowing you are […]

How to get to the next level

Getting yourself to that next level, whether in fitness or business, might mean you have to invest some time (or money) and you’re unsure if it will be worth it, right?? If you’re waiting for the perfect time or a guarantee, you could miss the boat! I’ve realized my happiness, my business & fitness has […]

What are you working towards right now?

What are you working towards right now? Something in business, something in fitness ? If you let go of achieving perfection – achieving what you *perceive* as success- and you just give 110% to your top priorities, the rest falls into place. The work is never convenient, the timing is rarely ideal, & the know-how […]

I feel better if I look better

 For those asking in the last post, the top is from PublicMyth.com & so is the Pink Bra Top! These leggings are Nike. Of course I’m trying to impress NO ONE working out at home, I feel better if I look better 😉

Would you rather live your passion, be debt free, ..or BOTH?

Would you rather live your passion, be debt free, ..or BOTH?? 5 minutes of inspiration & proof that this business works if YOU do: WATCH >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyaEnkH_uck&feature=youtu.be So please help me give HUGE congratulations to Team HardCore’s Top ranked and Top Earning Coach, who has become one of my close friends, Mindy Wender for achieving […]