You’re Capable!
Agreed?! Don’t let anyone lead you to believe you’re not capable. And ESPECIALLY don’t tell yourself you’re not capable.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Jenelle Summers contributed a whooping 1603 entries.
Agreed?! Don’t let anyone lead you to believe you’re not capable. And ESPECIALLY don’t tell yourself you’re not capable.
Coaches.. Did you make January Success Club too? Feel free to give yourself a pat on the back & please help me congratulate my personally sponsored coaches who did as well!! Way to crush it Team Hardcore!!
Because it kinda IS my job …and I love it! I don’t always FEEL like working out, but it know if I don’t, I’ll not feel my best & I’ll not be setting the example for our son & others who follow me or are on Team Hardcore ! You all keep me motivated & […] be alert to LIFE Tomorrow is full of new possibilities.
Instead of rewarding yourself with food…reward yourself with a new Tshirt, a heavier set of dumbbells, or maybe new shoes! A few of my coaches earned a Team Hardcore tank on my last team call so I bought myself a new one too! p.s. I set it up with a company so ANYONE can get […]
This was STRAIGHT MONEY. I think it would’ve been even better with a little dark chocolate sauce or something! Before you read the RECIPE, please read my disclaimer… 1. I know Shakeology nutrients are diminished when microwaved. All foods’ nutrients are diminished when microwaved. 2. I am not advocating daily consumption of mug cakes 3. […]
Alrighty?! I know, easier said than done but pick yourself up & make it happen! Live it & learn as you go!
Here’s a plan of action. Which one do you struggle with? 1. Prove your negative voice wrong. 2. Remove the labels others placed on you OR you’ve given yourself. 3. Try something NEW & give it at least 21 days to become habit. 4. Put an abrupt END to the daily/weekly habits you KNOW are […]
DO MORE ALL DAY EVERYDAY I mean…Stuff that MATTERS Yes, things will get tough and out of balance when you’re REALLY focused on a goal… Expect it so you feel less stress.
AGREE?! Hoping no one reads too deep into this…just saying I like a tough workout!