Entries by Jenelle Summers

Let’s talk workout gear

What are your favorite brands and places to shop?? This is a Reebok top and lululemon athletica pants my sister Chalene so generously gave me. Love the waistband because it doesn’t gouge into your abs like some do! She’s so generous.. she also just sent me a new cover-up Jacket yesterday …just because! I can’t […]

No-Impact Workout!

Have a lower body injury or just need a no-impact CARDIO workout? Well I do, so here’s what I did: No Impact Upper Body & Core HIIT Workout This was 1.5 minutes of each exercise, all-out explosive energy (high #reps, low weight) & then a 30-second rest before moving on to the next move. Do […]

How many veggies per day?

On average, how many servings of vegetables are you eating per day? Are your fitness results possibly being hidden by too many carbs & too much sugar? Excess nutrients, even if they’re clean & healthy, are stored as fat. I get in about 2-3 servings of veggies that are in my daily Shakeology, plus 3-4 […]

Love fit more…

I love food, but I love fit more. Agreed?! Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about fuel, eating right, eating ENOUGH & never missing a meal. But I have to steer clear of finding COMFORT in food & thought maybe this is a good reminder for others in case I’m not the only one.   […]

This is why

I say “no thanks” to a LOT of things and opportunities and often get behind on emails and replying to comments, because I don’t want to miss priceless moments!