Entries by Jenelle Summers


Dealing with an injury ? Well I hope NOT but if you are, I’m with you, and I know how frustrating it is! I’ve had the same hamstring injury since MAY! Went to a specialist today, and I am finally ready to be smart about this so I can be 100% again! So, if you […]

The only limit to your fitness…

is your drive and your discipline. Would you agree? It’s not your genetics. It’s not your age. It’s not your injury. It’s not your time, your budget or your situation. You’re only limited if you lack the desire & discipline in your eating & your workouts. And both are 100% in your control.

Discipline Is…

…eating what you NEED vs what you CRAVE. Believe me, I would eat big fluffy white bread sandwiches with cheese, pizza, pasta, & chocolate all day… IF I allowed myself to believe those things were options. Don’t buy what you shouldn’t eat. Even if you THINK you will only eat in moderation, it may not […]

Batman Bombs

Thank you very little Black Swamp CrossFit for inventing Batman Bombs & introducing them into my life! Batman Bombs are sprints with a 14lb med ball overhead (20lbs for the boys!). Try this workout after you’ve warmed up: 20 wallballs OR 30 deep squats w/overhead medicine ball swings, 3 wall climbers, 2 batman bomb sprints […]