Entries by Jenelle Summers

Make Time

HAVE YOU FIT IN YOUR WORKOUT YET? It’s not too late ya know?! It’s not always going to fit into your day nicely & you’re not necessarily going to feel up to it. Just get it done! Having at-home options is KEY to achieving consistency which yields RESULTS! You’re not always going to have time […]

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday! ARE YOU COMMITTED THIS WEEK? TIPS to Shake Things Up: Do a new program! Hybrid, crosstrain! Add HIITs 2-3x/wk! Up your weights, reps, sets, new lifting exercises! Switch up your routine Eat more greens & salads Prep your food & snacks Drink Shakeology Avoid the processed & frozen foods *pretending* to be healthy […]

Wall Climbers

Warm up & stretch first, no dirty shoes on walls (go barefoot), & point your toes once you start getting your body close to the wall so that you’re able to get your thighs touching the wall.              

Team HardCore 30-Day Coach Fast Track

Who has been working out & inspiring others, just naturally?? It’s an awesome feeling! These are some of my Top Coaches…all EXTREMELY successful on their own journey but helping others along the way. They promote a healthy lifestyle on fb, just as I do, with their own style. I’m starting a NEW COACH training system […]

Video Meal Challenge

Would you eat this pizza made on a brown rice wrap with salsa, vegan cheese (no, I’m not vegan but I eat a lot like one), tomatoes & avocado?! Check out the video of how I made this (& the video challenge) at www.Instagram.com/JenelleSummers This was sooo good! At only 300 calories, still room for […]

Shift Gears and Push Harder!

When you hit a wall, shift gears & push harder! Your body gets used to going at a certain intensity level or stopping at a certain of reps or minutes. Make a decision to go to that next level. It’s not going to be comfortable, but do that consistently & it will be worth it! […]

Fitness and Shoes!

This is my sister Chalene Johnson before she taught the Piyo workout at the Leadership 2013 retreat! I may start teaching Piyo just so I can walk into the gym with wedges! It was an AWESOME full body strength & stretch workout!