Entries by Jenelle Summers

Quick 15-Min Interval

What’s your favorite cross trainer shoe for these types of workouts?? Please share! People ask me all the time but I’m not that helpful because I pretty much just stick to my Nike Epic Reacts but they’re technically a running shoe. . Anywayyys, here’s a quick 15-Min Interval. But warm up first!☝🏼 3 ROUNDS⭕️⭕️⭕️ * […]

Aggressive Goals Require Aggressive Discipline

Agreed? I recently heard on a podcast that one of the most valuable assets you can have today is the discipline to stay FOCUSED! Would you agree?? When I need to really concentrate, it’s a waste of time and effort if I’m multitasking. So I have to completely seclude myself from all interruptions, no phone, […]

Are you always early or always late?

Are you always early or always late? . Why does time move so fassst?! I hate being late yet I admit I’m late a LOT! Please ..lie to me about the time🙏🏻☺️. . If Matt says “you need to leave the house in 5 minutes or you’ll be late”, my brain goes .. “ok awesome, […]

Avocado Toast

Would you prefer this with hummus vs avocado?? I love it either way. We had avocado toast a couple times while in NYC & I just had to have it today! . So this was an Ezekiel English muffin, *toasted*, with wholly guacamole, tomato & goat cheese crumbles with Himalayan salt👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 . I had this […]

Tips and Tricks to Build Your Online Business

My trainings cover this stuff but in case it helps anyone else wanting to build their online business, here are a few of the apps/tips/tricks I use to save time & build my business which helps me help more people! . 1️⃣ Apps: 📲Word Swag for text on a white backdrop or photo . 📲iMovie […]

Use & appreciate what you have

I’m about average height, average weight, probably average intelligence🤷🏼‍♀️🤔, less-than-average hair😆, practically no lips😐, average athleticism🏄‍♀️, no natural organizational skills, a scarred face, I’m always running late🏃‍♀️, I suck at cooking🤦🏼‍♀️, & the list goes on😂.. but I feel incredibly grateful, happy, and NONE of this keeps me from hustling or achieving success. . SO […]

Are You Pursuing Your Ideal Life?

I used to sleep with a tennis racket next to my bed in case I was attacked by a bat🦇 . Let me explain ..and first please know, my parents gave me an AMAZING childhood with love, lessons & belief in myself! . But when I was in 1st grade, we had moved into a […]

Quick Full Body HIIT

Do you prefer videos with music or … is your sound usually off? Here’s a quick full body HIIT I did! Warning ⚠️ Go light on weights as you’ll do higher reps with this one. It takes about 15’ish minutes if you take a little “set up” break between drills: 2 ROUNDS OF: 1️⃣1 minute […]

Tacos with low carb wraps!

Tacos🌮 ..with low carb wraps !!! Now hold up☝🏼, don’t get overly excited ☺️.. you can’t expect these wraps to taste like a warm, soft flour tortilla🌯.. they’re NuCo coconut wraps (6g carbs per wrap) from Amazon. If you put all your favorite taco ingredients in, and focus on those tastes and the fact that […]