Entries by Jenelle Summers


You’re not avoiding avocados due to their high fat content, are you?? Eating fats doesn’t mean it gets STORED as fat. Fats keep you satiated whereas filling up on processed carbs & artificially sweetened food keeps you feeling hungry all day; not to mention nutrition deficiencies & energy crashes. Matt & I go thru about […]

Nike AirPresto Shoes

How CUTE are these Nike AirPresto shoes my 14yr old son bought me for my Bday?! But seriously, the very BEST part is that he spent so much time researching the best pair of shoes over the last few weeks.. I know this because he kept asking me questions about shoe styles I like, colors […]

Veggie Wrap with Hummus

Lunch with my boy! 💕 got a veggie wrap with hummus🌯. After all I’ve read about the carcinogens in processed meat, I just avoid it all together now. In fact, I rarely eat meat now. I never was a big meat eater anyway. I’m not 💯 % vegan (we get some grass-finished products from Butcher […]

Chocolate Mint ShamRockology

Chocolate Mint ShamRockology 🍀🍫🍀🍫 It tastes amazing regardless of timing😉 RECIPE: 1 cup Ice 1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 scoop “shakeo boost Power Greens” 1 packet Vanilla Shakeology (Vegan or whey) 1/4 Avocado (for healthy fats & creaminess) 1 T Flavor God Chocolate Donut 🍩 Tiny drops of peppermint extract Optional Stevia or […]