What will you refuse to throw away?
My fav $10 leggings from H&M; covered in holes now after all these years but still my all-time fav!! Don’t worry, I don’t wear them in public! (But evidently I will post them in public )
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Jenelle Summers contributed a whooping 1603 entries.
My fav $10 leggings from H&M; covered in holes now after all these years but still my all-time fav!! Don’t worry, I don’t wear them in public! (But evidently I will post them in public )
You are your motivation and You are your solution. Click Below to play Video.
True, right?! …Because what if you act on it & you fail?! The path to success involves failures & mistakes.. In fitness & in business. You will probably suck at first & wanna quit at times! You need to expect that as “experience” & be ok with that. My own personal successes are a direct […]
5 minutes to make, 20 minutes to get them to look pretty for you Plz tell me they look pretty?! This was my lil awesome snack! Hard boiled egg, remove the yolk & fill with Chunky Guacamole made by Earl’s (got it from Whole Foods ) then top with the yolk you removed & if […]
When you lift, how many sets do you do? How many reps do you normally do? When you start to feel like you can’t do another rep, pump out 3-4 more controlled reps with your best form.. even after you’ve hit the # of reps the video does! You have to hit that point of […]
Yum or yuk?! We bought these sprouted quinoa & sprouted chia, Sweet Potato Chips at #WholeFoods (made by “Simply Sprouted Way Better Snacks”) and made Grilled Chicken Nachos with them!! 1 serving of chips, Grilled Chicken, Horizon organic cheddar cheese, tomatoes, 1/4 avocado and a dollop of non-fat plain Greek Yogurt pretending to be sour […]
Return Facebook messages, texts, emails, write blog & fb posts..all from your smart phone using your voice to text feature – the little microphone on your phone’s keyboard -to type what you’re saying! Are you using this feature??? Is it only for iPhones? It saves me SO much time! My sis Chalene Johnson gave me […]
I had a good Date day! I think I prefer day dates. About once a month, we take the day for a road trip to shop our fav stores in MI (because they’re not here in Toledo). Wholefoods, TraderJoes and Lululemon. And yes, OF COURSE, we bought more than 1 bag of groceries from WholeFoods!
Are results really 80% nutrition, 20% exercise? What do you think??Idk the exact % but there’s no question nutrition is a huge factor. But that said… When you push yourself physically to do what your brain says you don’t have the time or energy to do, you start valuing what you CAN become as a […]
So excited to teach in my hometown at the Grand Rapids, MI Super Sunday April 26! Leslie Kortes is the Star Diamond host of this event and says it’s not quite sold out yet! So Coaches, act fast! Check out the video.