Entries by Jenelle Summers

Have You Used Knee Sleeves?

Who uses knee sleeves?? Are some brands better than others? This was my first time. It was a Max30 & leg day so I wore my new knee sleeves by RockTape! With plyo jumping & squatting heavy weight, I’m game for anything that can “save” my knees a little! They did seem to improve my […]

Fit Snack

Yes?? No?? This is half of a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin (sold in most Grocery Stores’  freezer section because it has no preservatives), 1 hardboiled egg & a little avocado and spicy mustard.. yummm! This is approximately 200 calories & 9g of protein!

Every day is a different challenge

I MaxedOut Did you today? It wasn’t Insanity Max30 this time, it was a lift & run day.. But I stopped 20 minutes in & started my stretches. That’s not like me to stop early but every day is a different challenge, mentally & physically. Whatever your 100% is today, give THAT!

Fit Friends

I always wanted my own home gym where I could work out when I want, how I want & with who I want. I’ve finally made that vision come true due this business Don’t get me wrong, I love gym workouts too but home options are KEY because life is BUSY. I had a great […]

Cleaning the Closets

Cleaning out my closet & finding stuff I still love from YEARS AGO! But this tank is no longer sold.. It’s from the old ‪#‎turbowear‬ line! And I love shredded/cut shirts. Especially when it’s ALREADY cut for you (I can do it, but who’s got time?!) Anyone know of a similar one sold now??

100K Earners

GO TEAM HARDCORE!! Why not you?? These are my personally sponsored Coaches who would NEVER tell you about their own success so I will ! Will you help me congratulate them!? It’s TOUGH to make a great living in fitness.. until this business came along! The incomes represent lives CHANGED for the better first and […]