“Find a New Job and Take Care of Yourself”
“F i n d a new j o b & t a k e c a r e of y o u r s e l f” … a Doctor wrote on her patient summary form. The patient was a Teacher whose job was slowing tearing away at her health, her sanity, causing weight gain and negatively impacting her relationship with her fiancé. What a powerful “prescription” to receive. She read the form leaving the Dr office & the simple truth of it brought her to tears.
This is the story I heard the other day from a newer Coach who’s now already having great success (on track to earn a 6-figure income based on weekly pay right now) just 4 months into her business … and she’s been building it WHILE still working full time
(a new teaching job btw
). Not many have success this fast but many on our team have similar stories & it fuels me to know anyone CAN.
Maybe you already know this business isn’t for you & maybe you just need to ask your boss if you can work from home🏠 1-2 days a week. Or maybe you need more details about options because you’re an all or nothing girl like me
, maybe you didn’t know a LOT just changed where we don’t just service at-home fitness needs anymore, we have new nutritional supplements, & we have a lot more ways to serve others as of this Spring
. Former coaches are re-enrolling & it’s smart.
Either way, if your situation could use a RESET button, don’t convince yourself you just need to suck it up. You always have choices.
Ask questions, pray about it, give yourself time to envision the possibilities & decide to believe in yourself & trust the process.
If you want the scoop on this business, and you don’t have a coach, drop send me a message here.
Legal disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of income or success with this business. Each coach’s success depends on his/her own efforts, skill & diligence.