Congratulations, Carolyn Luhning!

Carolyn LuhningWould you be so cool to help me congratulate CAROLYN for achieving Diamond in her business?

Carolyn & her Star Diamond hubby Actor RYAN have 2 little girls & have been on their own fitness journey while working this biz together, trying to be good role models for their daughters, hosting fit clubs, helping people with fitness online, & helping people become successful Beachbody Coaches!

Please help me give them virtual high fives!!

Make it Count!

Make it countWhen you get to that rep that makes you despise the exercise, & your brain says you’re done, find your mental second wind & do more until your MUSCLES say you’re done. You’re much stronger than you think!




Congratulations, Trina Gray!

Trina GrayWE HAVE A NEW 15-STAR in the HOUSE!!

TRINA GRAY ( Trina Gray Fitness ) just hit 15-STAR DIAMOND! This means she has built & mentored a team of LEADERS! Please help me congratulate her success!!

Trina has built this business while owning & running TWO cutting-edge packed GYMS, being a devoted mom to two little ones, and happily married to the awesome, funny, Shipwreck Archeologist Jeff Gray!!

She’s not only a wife, mom, Coach & gym-owner, she’s a motivational speaker, fitness presenter at major conventions, a Fitness Instructor & EXTREMELY involved in getting her small town of Alpena Michigan FIT!

Trina loves working with moms in Fitness on her coaching team (instructors and trainers) and also has an ongoing accountability group for active women who need support for Nutrition..they’ve created great friendships!

Healthy Donuts, Anyone?

Healthy DonutsOk, so I saw this post of cleaner-eating donuts by @strongisthenewskinny94 (see her recipe on IG) & immediately bought a Sunbeam Mini Donut Maker on Amazon!

CLEARLY mine on the right didn’t turn out as planned. They tasted like bathroom scouring sponges drenched in concentrated cleaning solvent. Matt thought I was trying to poison him!

I bet they’re the BOMB  when you have all the right ingredients & maybe Baking Soda isn’t a good sub for Baking Powder?!

I don’t know…I know NOTHING about baking.

Super Saturday Spectacular

Super Saturday Jan 11 2013If you’re not a fitness Coach, there’s never been a better time to become one! Ask your Coach for info.

For registration and more details of my Jan 11 training, click here 🙂

Click on the photo for a fun picture video!




Which Step Did You Take Today?

Which Step Did You Take TodayAt which step could I find YOU?

I love this visual!

Feel free to re-post.  And if you’re feeling discouraged, not good enough, overwhelmed,…help SOMEONE ELSE take a step !




Strength Cardio Pyramid

Strength Cardio PyramidShoulder Lift + This Cardio Circuit Today (times 3 rounds!) Totally do-able, right?!

I got my P90X3 in the mail and the eating guide looks AMAZING (worth the money right there!), but I’ll have to hold off doing the workouts just a bit longer (due to hamstring/glute pull), so still making up my own workouts that are mostly upper body and core.

If you happen to do this workout, include a warmup and  cooldown with stretch.



Whose House?

Whose HouseWHOSE HOUSE?!

Someone asked what the Turbo Twist was for the cardio strength workout I posted yesterday. So here it is! (Click the image to watch the video.)

But please go LOWER in the lunge forward (I’m babying an injury).




Go Heavy or Go Home

Go Heavy or Go HomeNo, I wont really send you home.

Actually lifting lighter weights for a higher number of reps (working the endurance of the existing muscle) has its benefits too! I incorporate a little bit of endurance training. I just prefer to focus on heavy lifting more often, and have for years, because I like those benefits even more. WHAT DO YOU PREFER?

What constitutes HEAVY is all relative to your own personal strength and opinion. I just moved up to 25lb bicep curls and can’t finish a set of 8 yet.

So to me at this point in time, that’s heavy

Christmas Babies

Christmas BabiesAnyone else a  Christmas Baby?

Tyler was the BEST Christmas present Matt and I could’ve ever asked for!! He was a miracle in so many ways.

Born 9 weeks early but healthy and happy! He just wanted OUT on Christmas! He’s been a determined child since day 1! We gave him a paintball party a couple weeks ago (pictured here with his Lions cake).