I’m back on track!
It was a gorgeous day at the cottage & got back on track!
How bout you?!
It was a gorgeous day at the cottage & got back on track!
How bout you?!
The Feta is BACK!!
But just for the salads I made for my in laws these past few days. Nothing wrong with Feta (in fact, one of the better cheeses), or any food in particular as long as you don’t have an unhealthy addiction to it.
I can fall madly in love with certain foods & then I just have to go COLD TURKEY on them if I sense a bad habit forming. With certain foods, I have little success with the “in moderation” mode.
This was spring mix, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, RF Feta, & avocado. Back on track starting NOW!
I’m so PUMPED for Barbara who’s achieved Emerald in her business! Would you help me congratulate her!?!
She’s a College Professor, an Exercise Specialist, an athlete, a Coach, a Personal Development Specialist and still found time to start building her fitness business, because it’s already what she LOVES to do!
She says,” I love that I am helping so many people transform their lives from the inside out. Beachbody has allowed me to implement everything I have learned in my life as an athlete, coach, exercise specialist, college professor, and personal development specialist. I feel as though all of my experiences up to this point have been preparing me for this moment in time where I can make a huge impact.”
That about says it all right?!
In the salad: PURPLE cauliflower (not a huge fan of ANY cauliflower but with other stuff & dressing, I can do it). Also, turkey, tomatoes & pine nuts!
What are YOUR must-haves in your workout space?
Don’t get me wrong, you can get fit with just your own body weight & I love body-weight exercises, Turbo, running, HIITs and skiing, too!
This is our cottage home gym setup so far & I thought maybe it would be helpful to share this with others. If it’s not helpful, by all means Keep Calm and Scroll On. Of course a stock of effective DVDs is important too!
1. Mirrors – from Ikea.com
2. Spin Bike – Sole from DicksSportingGoods.com
3. SelectTech Dumbells -Amazon.com
4. WeightBench – teambeachbody.com
5. Step – teambeachbody.com
6. Pump Barbell & extra weight plates -teambeachbody.com
7. Chalkboard to write your #wod -office supply
8. Rubber locking Flooring- Amazon
9. Exercise Ball- teambeachbody.com, target, anywhere really!
10. Resistance bands – Green sculpting bands, teambeachbody.com (it says purple is more resistance but GREEN is!)
Another low impact cardio & lift about to commence!
I’m still modifying workouts but focusing on what I CAN do & getting stronger in OTHER areas. What gets YOU started?
Me…I don’t debate it, ask myself if I’m too sore, too tired or have time…I just turn on my music & get dressed for it!
Whether it be negative criticism regarding your fitness posts, your fitness business, your heathy eating habits, or your discipline to workout, inevitably someone will judge or comment. It CAN hurt your feelings & your confidence IF you let it.
Who am I kidding with that fork?!
Yes, I made one of these healthy pizzas AGAIN. It’s my favorite! It’s on a wheat-free, gluten-free wrap made by Food for Life (look in the freezer section near waffles) & a little organic pizza sauce, vegan cheese by Daiya, & baby spinach leaves.
Put in the oven for 8-10 min on a cookie sheet, and then top with tomatoes & avocado! Check #jenellesfastfitmeals on Instagram to see the video of a similar one in the making. So simple! I’m NOT a cook, so if I can do it, anyone can! You could add egg whites and/or a lean meat for protein!
I most definitely prefer weights, but but these green resistance bands have come in handy lately to target lower body muscles until I can return to squatting & lunging with heavy weights.
Lay all the way down on your side (NOT up on elbow as pictured) with hips stacked & knees slightly bent. They’re also GREAT to incorporate into hiit workouts by doing power jacks with them or speed skaters!!
One of these things is not like the other, but this is real life!