Guess Which One

Guess Which OneGuess which one is me and which one is my sister Chalene?






Foam Roll

Foam RollDo you foam roll?  I’m trying to get better and more consistent with my foam rolling and my stretching.

It’s hard to get stronger and fitter if your range of motion is limited or you’re injured, right?!



Sleepy Puppy

Sleepy PuppyI know it’s not fitness-related, but how can you not like this sleepy face?!









Work for It

Work for ItWith regard to your future, do you feel trapped/stuck or do you feel charged and excited?

The imaginary voice in your head that says, “That lifestyle isn’t possible for you” is a liar.

Focus on Strength

Focus on StrengthDo you agree?! The number on the scale is often irrelevant.

Lift more and eat better! When you start to look and feel better, you will start to lift even MORE and feel even BETTER!

Go from a vicious cycle to a vivacious cycle!

Food Sensitivity

Food SensitivityDo you have gluten or dairy sensitivity? I think I do.  My abs to get distended as they are here even though I’m sucking in REALLY hard. Some days, like here, I can’t even suck in.

I’m guessing it’s dairy or Gluten that’s causing this, even though I’ve been better about avoiding dairy and gluten a lot. It does seem to be helping. But I’m not that girl with amazing “morning abs.”

If you’re not that girl either, let’s be thankful for what we DO have and who we ARE -don’t define who you are as a person by your current fitness level. We’re all different and are at different stages of this journey. Let’s just keep aiming to improve our character and healthy habits no matter what!

You with me?!

Tackle Football

Tackle FootballOur son played his first TACKLE football game today!

I was so worried he’d get seriously hurt! But he survived with only a slightly sprained wrist and he LOVED it. We were nervous but excited!  Highlight of our day for sure!!

Winning topped it off!

Weekend HIIT

Weekend HIITEver in a situation where you only have 30 minutes, no inside space to workout, no equipment and you need to get in cardio AND strength?

Maybe that’s a stretch, but I’ve had those situations when visiting others or just traveling. Here’s a simple solution!

Do the pushups until muscle failure, then the jumping lunges until failure, then tricep dips off a chair, stair or curb until muscle failure.

Repeat those 3 again if you have time with just 10 seconds rest in between each. Don’t forget to stretch.

Waiting for the water to calm down…

WaitingJust waiting for the water to calm down so we can water ski and wake board.

What’s your workout consisting of today?




Headstands & Handstands

Headstands and HandstandsAre you trying these headstands and handstands? They’re so fun!

And be warmed up and you might want a “spotter.” I’m not the one to follow for tips and form–this was probably my first HEADstand since Elementary school