I just do it…
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersForget the Labels!
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersI think most of you already know this.. but I still sometimes hear people say things like “well I’ll never have –[nice abs, lean thighs, strong calves,etc] due to my genetics”.. Well genetics DO play a role in where we have our trouble spots, but with nutrition, cardio & lifting.. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with the body you can build! But more importantly, the discipline you learn & the confidence you gain! If your family isn’t into it, don’t give up on them either .. some start to come around! So go for your goals & forget the “labels” you’ve placed on yourself or the labels others have placed on YOU.
Do More
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersI dare you to challenge yourself TODAY to do a little more than you normally do. When I workout, even if i’m DOGGIN’ it, I still feel like it’s challenging, ..but don’t let that you fool you into believing you can’t or shouldn’t try to DO MORE… up your weights today, or do a few more reps or sets, increase the speed of your run, or hit rewind on the HIITs.. test your perceived limits today! 🙂
New Normal
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersNew Toys!
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersFitness+Nutrition+Support=Success
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersI’m probably preaching to the choir here but I’m still hearing a few say they want to lose fat before they start lifting heavy and intensely. What!?!? Cleaner eating + Adding muscle + Mixing up your cardio (and doing HIIT workouts) + Support/Accountability (so that you can be CONSISTENT in those areas), is what will get you the best and leanest results…that LAST! Figure out what pieces of the puzzle you’re missing, if any, and take action. Oh, and please spread the word…would ya?!? 🙂
No Regrets
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersGo Heavy
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersPeppermint Shakeology
/in Blog, Eat Clean, Shakeology /by Jenelle SummersThis was so good in my shake it deserved the “twinkle” effect from Pixlromatic+ (iPhone app)! *่นRecipe: 1 cup ice, 1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk, half cup water, 2 cap fulls of Peppermint Extract (this has a small cap and probably holds only a third of what the other extract caps hold), 2 T of PB2 (if you put PB2 in EVERYTHING) 2-3 packs of “Stevia in the Raw” if you want it to be sweet like a dessert & 1 scoop/pack of Chocolate Shakeology.
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