Sugar Buster Group Results!

This picture depicts how I feel right now after finishing my Sugar Buster group!!

It was so rewarding! What are YOU struggling to give up ???

It is NOT easy to cut down on added sugars, but you feel SO much better and you can’t even imagine all the damage excess sugar is doing to you, your kids, and our society in general. No, I’m totally NOT perfect… I’m a recovering chocoholic and carbaholic, but that’s why I’m passionate about it. It’s part of my own personal journey to improve

Bone broth…. yes or no??

Bone broth…. yes or no??

Ok so if you follow my brother in law Bret Johnson aka “the hangry chef” on that other platform, you may know he makes really great healthy meals & he doesn’t like you to ask questions😮.. well, he likes it, but he likes giving a smarta$$ answer better, ☝🏼cuz he’s hangry.

So I didn’t want to ask toooo many questions about what he was putting in his bone broth (for gut health)☺️ I didn’t have everything on hand that he uses, so I just put some Avocado oil in a pan & cooked up a 1/4 onion, 1 tsp minced garlic, some Himalayan Pink Salt & garlic Flavor God. Then I added ~32oz water & heat it up (didn’t even bring to boiling), & added in 2 scoops bone broth. Then I strained out the onions.

I loved the taste!! I stored the rest in the fridge. It made enough to make about 3 mugs ☕️☕️☕️

If you want Chalene’s code to save on that broth, it’s TeamChalene on their site (the bone broth company).


One of my goals for June is to be better at writing down my goals ☝🏼🙂

No but really, I’m not naturally organized.. and that’s an understatement. I see the big picture like crazy but have to force myself on the details. Anyone else like this??

I don’t know what I’d do without the organized people in my life that I learn from – my husband, my sister, and my assistant who’s more like our business Sr VP 👩🏻‍💻👌🏼

p.s. I love this smartlifepushjournal color

My Office

Where are you?! At work?? Be honest…😁

Just my office for today👩🏼‍💻💕 because it suddenly looked like it might rain💧. I rarely work in my ACTUAL office.. I don’t like to stay in one place; usually I work outside if it’s nice and often just work here & there from my phone 📱.

Mix It Up!

Mix it up my friends!! In lifting, in cardio, in nutrition, in business & in life! Stick to your priorities, core values and stay loyal – I’m all about that – but keep trying new things outside your comfort zone. Forget what people will think💭. Will they be paying your bills, raising your kids, overcoming YOUR struggles or with you as you grow old? Why is it so important to you what others think/say?

Share /comment if you agree!

Lifting inspired by Misty Copeland 💕🏋️

Prepping for a bike ride

Brought our bikes to the cottage & getting them all ready for a ride tomorrow!


Skinny Margarita

Looks refreshing, yes?!

Enjoying a skinny margarita with Matt. It’s 1 shot Patron Tequila Silver, 1/2 lime, 4oz Pellegrino water, 1/4 can Sprite Zero, 2 Stevia.

“No Fun Latte”

..something about the process of going to get a coffee that is fun even if they DO call your order a “no fun latte” 🤔


Do you prefer cardio or lifting??

I really like both, averaging about 20-30min of each, about 6 days/week. So yah, no more than 1 hour a day devoted to working out… & some days it’s just a quick HIIT or crossfit WOD & nothing else. There’s no doubt though that if you DO want to build muscle, you don’t need to do as much cardio as I do. I just happen to LIKE cardio for clearing my head & the endorphin rush. And I like feeling like I have the endurance & cardio fitness to keep up with my son & husband on a run 🏃‍♀️or bike ride🚴🏻.

Just your basic Arnold Presses

Just your basic Arnold Presses.
Shoulders + Shaun week, Day 2 ✌🏼
How about you?