Hammers Power Lifting
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersCleans, squat cleans & split jerks! I love anything that challenges me athletically. I have a lot of muscle endurance so anything requiring power & fast twitch muscle fibers, is really challenging to me!
☝CLEARLY I’m not a power lifter & not the one to watch for form tho, k?!There are a slew of powerlifters on IG that show how it’s done in slo-mo
☝Btw, the “hammer’s” power lifting workout can be done with a weighted barbell like this IF a trained professional has taught u proper technique in person & you’re confident your form is safe ..OR with traditional Dumbbells (as Sagi Kalev demonstrates on the video).
Total body hammer
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle Summers“My mama don’t like you & she likes everyone” ☺
Hope you all got your #fitnessfix today! This was Total Body Hammer
Biggest Fan or Critic?
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersAre you your biggest fan or biggest critic??
Don’t self destruct. Talk yourself into starting that workout. Talk yourself into eating the salad (next pic☺). You know you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to and sometimes setting your focus on getting #fit is the catalyst to success in so many other areas of your life.
So set your goals, plan your attack, and show yourself you’re in control and worth it .. slip-ups are simply are a part of the journey that gives you experience
On the topic of before photos
/in Be Happy, Blog, Fitness Inspiration, Healthy Tips /by Jenelle SummersJust pullin up leggings before I film another vid for u all!☺I’ve had several people ask if I have a “before” photo. Well… If you know me, you know prior to becoming a coach 7ys ago, I would NEVER let anyone take pics of me! I avoided the camera AT ALL COSTS🙅. I can’t even find one where you can see I was pregnant. I was not on social media & if you saw me in older Turbo or CLX videos with my sis Chalene Johnson , you could probably tell I didn’t want any spotlight🎥. Pics of us growing up, I have my hand in front of my face✋.
But I’m over caring so much about what people think of my looks or figure and am all about doing pics/videos if it means I’m helping someone else.
Although I’ve had 2 points in my life where I was heavier, I don’t have pics, unfortunately😏. One time was after having Tyler of course (& I actually did NOT feel stressed about losing that weight, I was already a personal trainer & fitness instructor as side jobs & was confident I could get my pre-baby body back) & the other time was when I was 14👧<<<this was the time when I truly felt DESPERATE to lose weight & would cry myself to sleep. I started my journey at 14, with MANY mistakes & ridiculous starvation (I was not really overweight but was considered overweight in the ballet world), but I educated myself📕 and started gradually in college getting on a more healthy fitness path! This is why I now REFUSE to skip meals & rarely weigh myself!🙅I haven’t given up on my commitment to “true fitness” for myself ever since.
☝BUT still to this day, I’m constantly learning, adjusting to what life throws my way, failing, changing, trying & re-trying; all while keeping my 🔝priorities as my top priorities, ☝being the best Mom & Wife I can be… I take it all one day at a time!
🏅I just want to give props to those of you who decide TODAY to not ever give up on yourself, who decide not to judge someone else’s journey, and special props to those who decide to put themselves out there.. because it is NOT easy to be so vulnerable and open!🙈☺
Short on time? Try this
/in Blog, Fitness Inspiration, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersIf you’re short on time, do you:
a) lift b) do cardio
I call this the #2016wod when you’re short on time & need both.#howmuchtimeyouspentatthemall
Modify as needed & always warmup 5-6 minutes FIRST.
20 minutes, as many rounds as possible but finish the round you’re on at 20min. 16 reps of everything! It’s full-body with cardio & strength built in.
Looks like this:
16 jackknife Burpees right leg
16 jackknife Burpees left leg
16 decline push-ups
16 thrusters ( I used 20lb Dumbbells)
16 Bulgarian split lunges 20# right leg
16 Bulgarian split lunges 20# left leg
Bulgarian split lunges
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle Summers are like a must! Especially if you want to build a booty! You can use a step of your stairs too!👍
Step far enough out that when you lunge, your knee stays over your ankle not protruding forward over your entire foot (too much pressure on the knee). Weight should be heavy enough that 8-12 reps are challenging & maybe you even have to give yourself a mini pep talk to squeeze out the last couple reps🗣🙎.. but not so heavy that you lose your form & balance. I use 25lb’s, rep until failure for each set & 3-4 sets. Weights in BOTH hands of course😉
New week, new motivation, new goals!
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersWhat are they?? Click here to go to my page and tell us please! 🙏It will help keep you accountable!
Message me if you don’t have a coach & feel frustrated with your results. I’ve hit & overcome MANY plateaus in my life so hopefully I can help👍
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