My Elite Team

Elite_TeamEarning “Elite” means your newer coaches are getting started right and having success!

So I wanted to give a huge thank you to Beachbody for the flowers but also a WELL-DESERVED CONGRATS to these Coaches who really earned this title! Your work & inspiration is appreciated !! 👏👏

Sarah Painter, Stephanie Moser, Krystal Davis Guidish, Kelly Charletta Poteet, Holly Vatcher, Mary Stoner, Jill Yoss McFall Tara Simons, Amy Sobota Hastings, Hollie Rumman, Christina Holmes, Jacquie Budinger,Helen Steiger, Cat Rush, Rachelle Hill, Rachel Hunt-Bailey, Kelli Attaway,Brooke Williamson-Stidham, Brett Zima, Deb Sweeney, Tammie Salkeld,Whitney McClintock, Wendy BeeUnique Babcock

Fingertip Pushups

fingertip_pushupsDid you see “daddy’s home”???

I can’t be the only one who wondered if those fingertip push-ups ‪#‎markwahlberg‬ did were hard to do???

I couldn’t wait to get home to try!🙌

Priceless Wrong Way Face

Priceless_wrong_wayCheck out Mandy Haag‘s face as she goes the wrong way- PRICELESS! But I love how quickly she adjusted! She’s so cute!

Hearing “right” but doing everything LEFT on stage or in videos is not always easy!

Super Saturday Turbo

Super_Saturday_turboWhere do you Turbo- LIVE or at home??👊👊👊

This was SO fun! So many said it was their first time doing turbo, yet you couldn’t tell! I think it LOOKS more complicated than it really is😉

SS Hosted by myself, Meg Wiczynski & Cory Tice Miller with Turbo stage cast Mary Csuri, Mandy Haag, Kevin Jewell and 5-star & above panel with us hosts plus Angie Carlucci-Green, Andrea Sims, Brad Bizjack, Mannie Watkins interviewed by Angie Beech Hunt. And amazing success stories from Meg Kozlowski & Kevin Weber! 💪💪💪

What keeps you going??

InspireI stay inspired because I know I’ve committed to inspiring & educating others for a living (wouldn’t have it any other way) & I know I personally am not feeling my best unless I’m DOING my best –it’s not easy & it’s NOT convenient, I slip up daily, but it’s worth it!💓 You all keep me accountable & inspired💥!

Thank you!🙏😘
It was awesome to SEE & WORKOUT WITH SOME OF YOU at the super saturday event👊.


p.s. For more fitness inspiration, healthy eating inspiration, workouts & videos, see my LIKE page.


Bench WOD

bench_wodWhat’s the best piece of fitness equipment you’ve invested in?

One of my fav’s is our bench! Many of you may not have bought one for Hammer & Chisel (you can do without) but we use ours ALL the time! Great for lifting & HIIT workouts like this. So many things you can do! 👉Actual video of this workout is on my fitness Like page😊


YOU_DID_IT!!!!!!Just got the call from Corporate!! We finished as an Elite Team AGAIN!! Top 20 in the Company twice & 3x Top 10.
All the workouts, sweaty selfies, and work that no one sees, it MATTERS!
You inspire ME and I learn from you all every day! Thank you, thank you 🙏😘! ‪#‎EveryONEMatters‬

Turbo at Super Saturday

Is there even 1 person out of sync? WOW, I was so impressed!💥👊💥

See you for Turbo at Super Saturday!


H and C Food

Just a lil bit of what we buy for groceries. We’re following the H&C meal plan & loving it!

The key is what we don’t buy.. Because I have a monster appetite & practically NO CONTROL if it’s in the house🙅What about you?

p.s. 5-Day Clean Eating group info on my like page🍏🍎🍏🍎

Do your teens need off-season training??

training_for_kids_Dale Sheppard is a husband, a Dad, a BB coach on my team, manages a gym and offers training to young athletes and adults (in the Toledo area).

If you’re interested in all that he has to offer you or your kids, I highly recommend you friend request him & message him👍