What’s your non-weight-related goal??

hollowbackRunning a faster 5K, doing push-ups on your feet vs knees, pull-ups, squatting a certain weight.. ??

I’m doing a hollowback here to work on back & shoulder flexibility (which mine is obviously BAD right now) & handstand pushups for shoulder strength. They are harder than they look but I love challenges!

p.s. Love this song

Strength and Performance

Medicine_ballI like muscle & athleticism. I do better focusing on strength & performance goals versus trying to be a certain size or weight. If you haven’t, you might want to try that too..

Btw, feels so good to feel good again! Thank you for the well-wishes!

Top right: all the different things you can do with a ‪‎medicine ball ✅ .. There were too many to fit into 15 seconds.

Blueberry Banana Super food Concoction

Blueberry Banana Superfood concotionI never get sick but came down with the stomach flu yesterday😝
I’m starting to feel a little better today & I think this blueberry banana concoction of superfoods will help me nourish & re-hydrate.


1 cup ice
1 cup Vanilla unsweetened Almond milk
1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries
1/2 banana
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology or your favorite superfood shake!

That’s it! But sweeten if needed with your favorite sweetener (I use Vanilla “Sweet Leaf” stevia drops

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I was talking about this pic with my Diamond-Bound team.. It says it all!

Is there one that trips you up?

Imagine you are always right there & keep going.. Because at some point you WILL be right there.

Just A Few Reasons People Give Up:

  • Comparing to Others
  • Not believing it’s possible
  • Negative Self-Talk
  • Lack of Accountability & group support; feeling alone in the pursuit
  • Unrealistic expectations about the time & effort it takes
  • Blaming others & situations
  • Aiming for perfection vs progress

Watch out for these frustrating, quitting triggers! Quiet the noise around you 🙉🙈 & get focused 🎯


Never give up

Well Timed Meals

3 cute facesMy awesome Mother-In-Law suggested we start feeding our dogs half as much but do it TWICE a day (breakfast and dinner) versus all at once for breakfast. Easier and healthier for them to digest

I am fine with it, but they start pressing me for “dinner” earlier and earlier as time goes on. It started out as an evening dinner… then it went to 4pm, then to 3pm and 2pm.. today before Noon they wanted their “dinner”. By next year will there will a 10-minute window between breakfast and dinner??

I know I shouldn’t give in, but they’re super cute so what am i supposed to do?

There are days when I follow the same pattern — breakfast, lunch and dinner already happened and it’s only afternoon.. maybe I should just go to bed and start over tomorrow…


familyWhat’s significant here (other than the fact that my husband & son are my everything) is that I got my son to wear Jeans & a button-up for family pics!!

Do your kids HATE jeans?
But I don’t like them either actually

p.s. this is NOT one of the pics; our photographer will have much clearer photos.., just a far off pic from my phone videoing it all ☺🙌

When do you drink your shake?!

Kale Salad and ShakeOI shared this on my IG and like page and I’m SHOCKED at the # of people who are struggling with what they eat after work and in the evenings and they haven’t tried this yet. It’s worth a try, right?

What’s your biggest nutrition struggle & what are you doing (that’s working) to fight it?

Just getting back from the Leadership retreat, I needed to make sure nutrition was on POINT today 🎯 I do best in the evening when I have a salad & shake for dinner. If you have a small salad followed by superfood shake satisfying your chocolate/sweet craving, you might find your nighttime snacking/cravings are no longer an issue.

This was a kale salad with turkey burger from the grill, tomatoes & avocado with chocolate PB Banana shakeO 👍🍅🍃

Things are not always as they appear

I run and smile like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.

Run and smile

Game Day

Sons Fb gameWatching your kids .. is there anything more priceless?!

We stayed an extra day, missing Leadership Day 1, to watch our son play his football game tonight but we had to leave early to catch our flight …& what are the chances he catches a pass & runs for a 60yd Touchdown after we pull away?!

We missed it😩 but SO proud & even more proud that when we talked to him on the phone, he was more disappointed in the loss as a team than talking about his TD.

Add These in Lifting or Cardio Sets

Reverse crunches with ballWhat’s your workout today? Or was it a rest day??

Add these in between lifting sets, or tack on to your cardio workout, or weave them into your core workout..
4 sets of 20 reps‼
They burn so good ♨😆