Do you prefer progress pics or videos?

Progress pics or videosI’m NEVER gonna be one of those girls who says “excited to see I still have abs even after a week of eating & drinking crap”.. lol, but awesome for you if that’s how well your body metabolizes crap

If I am off track for a week, I feel it & see it. MY reality is there will be small up & down fluctuations ALWAYS ..because I’m human & because being my absolute leanest is NOT a top priority in my life. I rarely weigh myself because I know when I’ve put on weight & likewise, I know when I’ve leaned down a bit.

The key to healthy, steady progress and ☝ keeping your HAPPINESS & CONFIDENCE is to accept whatever is thrown your way & stay EXTREMELY optimistic thru every stage of your journey. In my opinion, confidence, humor, kindness, humility & self-discipline are MUCH sexier than a super fit person without those attributes.
The key to long-term progress:
☝ Get support to quit bad habits
☝ EVERYONE has flaws–don’t compare
☝ set performance goals
☝ mix things up- nutrition & workouts
☝ be extremely grateful for what you have & USE what you have (some people are PRAYING to just move again; some praying just to survive this day).

p.s. I run free accountability groups on Facebook for my customers & ps coaches 👍 if you don’t have a Coach, Inbox me for info📥

You Can’t Wait to be Motivated

dont waitYou can’t wait to be motivated, you have to just do it! Agreed??

I was NOT in the mood to workout this afternoon.. But that rarely stops me, especially if I just took a day off, which I did yesterday. I’ve been doing this‪ ‎fit life long enough to know, most of the time, you JUST DO IT whether you feel like it or not. It’s WAY too easy to find an excuse & if you allow your mind to go there, you’ll SURELY find an excuse!

Usually once I start, I’m ENERGIZED, but this time half way thru I felt sick to my stomach😷. I figured it must’ve been something I ate, so I chose to ignore it & finished a grueling leg workout + a lil ‪turbo. SO GLAD I FINISHED. I felt amazing afterwards! Whatever that nauseous feeling was, it disappeared 👍
Get addicted to that post-workout bliss & remember it when you’re trying to legitimize another day off🙇

Soak up what makes you happy

Sunny Puppy LoveTrying to spend as much time outside these days as humanly possible! I know the freezing cold is right around the corner 😝. Take time to soak in the things that make you happy💓 & if you truly cannot find that time, follow my sister Chalene Johnson & her Smart Success videos ..there IS a better way to design your life  I was the most STUBBORN of all & thought I had to work a 9-5.. Which was more like an 8-6. I convinced myself it was fine & it WAS fine- but I knew something was missing. So glad I let “fine” go & took a leap of faith for amazing ✨👊


White Chocolate PB&JIt’s the White Chocolate Peanut Butter from “Nuts n More” from GNC. The PB is melty because it’s on a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin which is still warm 🔥
It’s SO good. I don’t use the White Chocolate PB often because it’s too tempting to eat too much of it too often. ‪#‎discipline & ‪#‎moderation
More ‪#‎foodspiration on my blog 🍎

Smart Success

Smart Success VideoYou guyssss! Have you checked out & the first Smart Success video yet?! Umm.. Maybe get tissues ready too?

My sis Chalene Johnson & Bret Johnson just opened this up yesterday & people are always kicking themselves that they didn’t watch that video before the video came down & then the registration for the course was closed🚫

You’ve heard me say it like a broken record “I learned that from my sister” and of course it’s true… Most of what I’ve learned were take-aways from Smart Success! This is hands down my FAVORITE personal/professional development course!!

My sister has taught me how to have more time in my life, design a daily schedule that consists of family first, & the things that fuel me & lift me up, & how to build a business that makes 7-figures a year with SMART success versus STRESSED success. EVERYONE can benefit .. Check it out & decide for yourself✨✨✨✨

Here is the link

Discipline is Everything

Well.. It’s almost everything…
We have to stop kidding ourselves with excuses.
If you can work DAILY on conquering your natural temptations, changing your negative beliefs & self talk, you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible..

But most importantly, I think you’ll find who you were meant to be, who you were meant to inspire & how you were meant to live


Discipline is everything

Need to fit in a few HIIT’s this week?

Fit_in_a_new_HIITThis is a HIIT so try to go ALL OUT for that minute knowing you’ll get a lil break Make sure your weight is light enough but a struggle to push press for a minute straight, quickly (this is cardio) but with good, controlled form.
As always …warmup beforehand, full body & at least 5 minutes. And cool down & stretch afterwards✅

Ok, back to family time & watching the ‪#‎lionsvsdenver game


When it comes to coaching, one of the most common things I hear is …
“I want to inspire others while i’m on a fitness journey, not sell/push and you say it’s not about selling.. Well if it’s not all about sales, then HOW DOES THIS COACH BUSINESS MAKE AN INCOME?”

The video below is my best explanation.
It’s frustrating but we can’t really blame people for having such a negative opinion of it – they don’t understand it, or they’ve heard stories of other network marketing disasters or even lived it with some other company, OR they were a BB coach and they didn’t understand it so they didn’t really believe in it, didn’t totally commit to it & they quit before they got into a groove with momentum.

So, I thought i’d make a video to explain it the best way I know how. Please feel free to SHARE with your teams, those considering it or whomever!

Watch here >


TrapsI was checking my straps & noticed my traps😳

Don’t worry, I don’t walk around flexed, they look feminine when relaxed
But sometimes you just have to take a progress pic to know your hard work is working

I usually do lat pull-downs & cable rows on our smith machine but no time today!
This was sped up but go slow & concentrate on the contraction.. It makes a Back_Daydifference!

So this workout was 12-18 reps, 4 sets of each:
• lebert bar pull-ups
• 1-arm bent-over row (45#)
• barbell bent over row (55#)
• 1-arm rear Delt raises (22.5#)
• upright rows (20#)

Platinum Edge Conference

Who will I see at the Platinum Edge conference in Dallas this November??

My sister Chalene Johnson will of course be there teaching LIVE classes & presenting on a couple different topics to help us grow our businesses.

All my coaches & their coaches & their coaches, and ALL Platinum Presenters are invited! This is training for all ranks.. from brand new coaches to veteran coaches, hosted by Christine Dwyer & John Redsoxsuck Dwyer!

Aside from Chalene, Christine &John have a whole line up of amazing speakers. I’ll be speaking as well.

Registration & details on the members page of the platinum presenters site👍

Platinum edge