Taking some down time

Green ShakeTakin in some down time (& a green power shakeO) after prepping for hours to do a training for my team👭👭👭👭

I make a lot of sacrifices to train & develop leaders to duplicate building a network of fitness &health-minded people. I never aimed or even dreamed to make multiple millions doing this..

I live very simply & therefore money is not a big motivator for me; but having enough $ to make choices that affect my family & to have purpose & balance in my life, that’s important. People & relationships are what make your life and business so enjoyable And I love that many of my team members are now experiencing all of this too & living lives they never thought possible

Morning, Day, or Night exerciser???

dont hit snoozeI was up working out before 5:45 this morning, & for ME, that’s early😲! Props to those of you working out at 4 & 5 am!!😵 But I LOVED having my cardio DONE so EARLY (once it’s DONE of course).

I used to teach 6am ‪#‎bootcamp classes💪 but I don’t have to workout “before work” anymore since I now work from home (‪#‎girlboss🙌💁).

BUT.. I did this today & it reminded me of the days where I *had to* & how important it is to place your alarm so that you HAVE TO get up! You won’t want to but ‪#‎JustDoIt . You’ll be SO happy once it’s DONE👊💥✨👏

The Plan VS Reality

Your planI love this!!! Where are you right now?

I saw this on secrets2success on IG. 🙌 If you can accept the fact that failures/mistakes are all a part of the path to success, you’ll feel a LOT less stress & fear on your journey.

Btw, this visual can apply to success in your business AND/OR your fitness journey. I sometimes am literally 🌊UNDERWATER🌊 in my mind in comparison to where I *should be* with my fitness & biz goals (why is there no pic of that🙈??), but that’s when we have the greatest opportunity for growth & that’s where we need to turn expectation into APPRECIATION !😉👊

Turkey Lettuce Wraps

Lettuce WrapTurkey lettuce wraps w/nonfat plain Greek yogurt pretending to be sour cream (HIGH PROTEIN & doing a delicious job as a substitute)👌😋

The turkey is seasoned with some kind of taco seasoning my hubby picked up at ‪WholeFoods (not sure which kind), then he diced Green Pepper, Red Onions, Baby Bell Peppers and placed on Romaine.

Our pre-teen son even liked them but he wanted his turkey meat without the cut-up onions & peppers😏 (baby steps.. Just discussed this topic on my last 🍐-iscope 😉)

Check Your Favorite Protein Bar

REAL QUCK.. check your favorite protein bar/energy bar for sugar grams.. how many grams are in it??

If it’s low, check the ingredients.. do they have Sucralose or other artificial sweeteners OR Sugar Alcohols like Maltitol that spike Insulin and blood sugar and therefore increase your sugar and carb cravings ??

I was talking about daily splurges on the you-know-what-app the other day and sister Chalene Johnson heckled me about my love for protein bars! It’s no secret, I *love* protein bars to a fault! Some have a weakness for ice cream, wine or candy.. mine is protein bars. Don’t judge. BUT.. i’ve learned (finally) that many of the kinds I was buying were causing me to get an upset stomach (maltitol ) and/or crave sweets and carbs throughout my day!

So someone asked on my post last night here on my wall, “what are the natural flavors of Quest Bars??” So, to my knowledge, here they are in this pic!

… and my fav flavor below is the Cashew Coconut. 0 sugar, 20g protein, appears to be no fillers, no artificial sweeteners and no sugar alcohols. BUT.. I also eat the Double Chocolate Chunk flavor which also does NOT have sucralose (instead it’s sweetened with all-natural stevia leaf) but it DOES have the sugar alcohol Erythritol in it. From what I’ve read (and Yah, i know you can’t believe everything you read), this sugar alcohol doesn’t spike insulin or blood sugar which would cause cravings among other negative side effects ..and I can tell you from personal experience, eating this flavor doesn’t cause cravings for me. Here is a quick article about the sugar alcohol Erythritol.

>>>>>If you don’t have a sweet tooth that needs better options, nor a need for these bars because you already get plenty of protein in your daily nutrition, then NO need to start eating these bars and take on this bar-eating habit. Feel free to SHARE.

Quest bars

Fill in the blank…

Fill in the blankIf I could just ____, I know I’d have better results!

Oftentimes we know the answer & just writing it publicly helps👍

I finished that 💦SweatFest💦 ‪#‎wod I posted about on the you-know-what app tonight then went & saw “Ant Man” with my hubby & son! (favorite dates) 💟.. but I despise Ants🙈 & there’s massive ants in that movie! beware!😷

How often do you oversleep your workout??

PreRunThis is a pre-run selfie this morning🏃

I had to get up earlier than usual to fit in my workout today.

When that’s the case, set your phone alarm across the room so that you *have* to get up out of bed to turn it off⏰. If you have an alarm that’s easy to hit snooze💤 several times, the temptation to sleep is 10x greater.
I made up that stat up, but I’m SURE it’s ‪‎truth

Workout Buddy

These friends are ALL stronger than me & push me to want to do more when my body might normally say “nahhhh” but most importantly, we make each other laugh.

Don’t compare yourself to others but let others inspire you.. Even if it’s just via social media

Workout buddys


Those Paper cupsYes, I admit 🙈I’ll *occasionally* get a nonfat mocha (as I have said many times, I don’t eat/drink clean 100% of the time & a skinny nonfat latte is not “clean” in my opinion). BUTwhen I do get one, I hate how it makes me crave more food & sugar after I’m done😤!

Artificial sweeteners in sugar-free products & the 15g of real sugar from skim, will do that to you👿.If you get “skinny/nonfat” lattes or other drinks a lot, you might notice you have a hard time with cravings or you’ve developed a sugar/sweet addiction.
Even if you get Starbucks coconut milk, you’re still getting 9g sugar & artificial sweeteners that encourage cravings. Again, I still enjoy it occasionally but lately I’m ordering just a regular coffee when we go.
Some coffee houses offer Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk, which is great!👌It’s really all about drinking from those to-go cups anyway😁… something about that cup makes me think I’m having a treat

Eat Like You Love Yourself

Eat like you love yourselfDo you agree with these? Which # is a struggle, if any?

I wore this tank in my first ‪periscope today (omg, I was SO nervous but I had to ‪‎Just Do It) & many of you said you have this tank top! A tank from Coach Summit of course👍
These are 10 guidelines I try to live by!