I think I see Progress!!!!
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersYou know me.. I don’t post bikini pics, BUT.. I think I see progress! I know it’s not much & you may not see it, but I know my body & I do!
I don’t lose weight fast because I’ve been eating pretty clean & working out hard for YEARS (because I *do* have to work for it), & I’m not willing to go to extremes, not willing to do anything I can’t realistically maintain long-term, not willing to skip meals … I just want to always improve my eating, my strength, my flexibility, & my confidence.. So that I’m the best mom, wife & person I can be.
I know if I do the right things consistently, the results will fall into place over time. I’ll surely fall off-track at times & need to make adjustments at times. I have a BIG appetite & tend to eat even when I’m not hungry at all. It’s a journey for me as it is anyone else. My health & fitness is a high priority.. but looking a certain, specific way is not the goal.. It’s more fun when the resulting aesthetics are just an added bonus.
Being in the CIZE test group & following the meal guidelines has given me the accountability I needed to dial in to my nutrition & enjoy some FUN cardio sessions
👉My US & Canada customers will get an opportunity to get my “how to eat to lose fat” video. If you aren’t a Coach and don’t have a coach. Click Here click Join > Join Free Membership.
I never said I was good at Yogi right?
/in Be Happy, Blog, Healthy Tips, Inspiration, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersI read this quote by Pema Chodron.. What are your thoughts?
“Personal discovery and growth come from letting there be room for all things to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.
Suffering comes from wishing things were different. Let the hard things in life break you. Let them affect you. Let them change you. Let the hard moments inform you. Let this pain be your teacher. The experiences of your life are trying to tell you something about yourself. Don’t cop out on that. Don’t run away and hide under your covers. Lean into it. What is the lesson in the wind? What is the storm trying to tell you? What will you learn if you face it with courage, with full honesty and lean into it?”
Here is my attempt at doing Tree. Click the Image to see the video
Amazing PB&J!!!
/in Blog, Food Inspiration /by Jenelle SummersIn case you don’t follow me on my food & fitness pages (Facebook like page & IG)…I just have to share this here too!
Do ya like my version of this PB&J ??
I found some “Nuts & More” Toffee Crunch peanut butter at GNC & honestly I would’ve loved to just eat it by the spoonful. The thought only CROSSED my mind..
To me, that is an automatic “NO” because it’s SO easy to overdo it on PB!
This was just 1 tablespoon PB (so 90 calories, 6g protein), ~6 raspberries & just 3-4 slices of banana.. Keeping it low in sugar but getting in some fruit! All of this on a toasted Ezekiel muffin👌
Cardio for Those with Lower body injury
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersHere’s a cardio workout for those with a lower body injury. If u know someone with a lower body injury, PLEASE SHARE WITH THEM It can feel so defeating!
NOTE: To make this a CARDIO workout & not interfere with your upper body lifting schedule, use a LIGHT weight where you can easily perform 25 reps at a quick pace with good form) to get your heart rate up
Every injury is different, so use your good judgement & advice of your Dr or Physical therapist
❇❇❇❇❇❇(Part 1)❇❇❇❇❇❇❇
Warmup w/push-ups on knees & crunches
Do 25 reps of each, go from one exercise right into the next. Do 2 rounds
- Reverse crunch on bench
- Push-up into superman
- Weighted bent over row (back flat!)
- Ab plank crunch on exercise ball
- Bench press
- Kettle Bell high swing (keep chest up!)
- Oblique Scissor Kicks
- Romanian Deadlift (knees slightly bent)
- Push Press sitting on bench
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