Leg Day
/in Blog, Train Mean /by Jenelle Summers5 exercises, 16-20 controlled reps (this is sped up) 3 sets!
I mixed in triceps in between sets (& I’ll post that too)
If you watch, will you click Like or share while you’re at it?? I need to know if you like these
For legs, I do a workout I’ve made up like this 1-2x a week or a combo of exercises from BodyBeastLegs, 21DF plyo from 21DayFix Extreme & ChaleanExtreme
Preferred Restaurant Appetizer: This or Chips??
/in Blog, Eat Clean, Food Inspiration /by Jenelle SummersWe went to dinner at “True Foods” with Chalene & Bret and this was our appetizer.. All kinds of fresh, organic veggies w/hummus & bean dip! Years ago, I wouldn’t have been excited.. But adopting healthy eating preferences is a process.
All the food was ON POINT it’s my new fav restaurant here when we visit I hear True Foods has opened up new locations across the U.S– get to one if you can!!
Who pushes you to be your best?
/in Blog, Fitness Inspiration, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersIt’s hard to believe we met when we were 12. I thought he was so cool because he was hilarious, super athletic, & smart. Now Matt & I have been married over 20 years, we’re best friends, we’re stillll pushing each other & most importantly, making each other laugh
Here was our WOD yesterday while the boys did T25
30 minutes
Do as many rounds as possible … We did 4 rounds. FIRST, warm up!
1/2 mile Run/sprint
25 Thrusters (65 Lb Barbell)
25 box jumps
Happy Easter
/in Be Happy, Blog /by Jenelle SummersSpring weather is FINALLY here in Ohio !!!
/in Blog, Coaching /by Jenelle SummersI’m doing a Beach Body Bootcamp Challenge for the new coaches who join me by FRIDAY April 10th with any Challenge Pack purchase made as they enroll (& that purchase waives your $39.95 start-up fee).
Email me at CoachingInfo411@yahoo.com if you’re considering joining as a Coach & are NOT already working with a coach
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