Day 2 of the 3-Day Refresh Cleanse

3 Day RefreshDo you hate to workout OR hate to *miss* a workout?

I’m on Day 2 of the 3-Day Refresh cleanse & I’m SO happy that I can workout with this! I fear being hungry & I hate missing workouts, so I was worried about doing this! But I needed it! The guideline is “light to moderate workouts”.. So this morning after my 1st shake, I lifted light w/more reps & rode my spin bike without the intense intervals I’d normally do. I thought I’d have no energy but I was fine!!

Btw, that workout video I posted yesterday, that was from MONDAY (I started this Tuesday.. & did a slow run & ‪#‎piyoStretch‬ that morning)

It’s only 3 days & there’s 3 awesome shakes per day (I add a half banana, as allowed), plus you get veggies, fruit & healthy fats. ‪#‎omg‬ ‪#‎almondbutter‬

Lower Body Circuit

Lower Body CircuitDo you prefer cardio or strength?

This is both!
3 Rounds with 20 Bicycle Abs in between each exercise!

This is great if you need a #Leg Day AND a cardio workout all in one & only have 30 minutes, this will get the job done! 🙂

Do each exercise 1 minute with 20 Bicycle Crunches in between each.

1. Jumping Lunges
2. 20 Bicycle Abs
3. Romanian Deadlifts
4. 20 Bicycle Abs
5. Plyo squats off bench
6. 20 Bicycle Abs
7. Speed Skaters
8. 20 Bicycle Abs
9. Squat into Lunge into Squat w/barbell
10. 20 Bicycle Abs

  • Warmup
  • Do 3 Rounds
  • Stretch

The amount of weight you use is up to you.. With lighter weight you will go faster & do more reps, with heavier weight, you will go slower & do fewer, more challenging reps. Either way, it should be challenging for 3 rounds! 🙂

Have you ever done a cleanse?

cleanseHave you ever done a cleanse?! How’d it go?

This is my lunch on the 3-Day Refresh! After a super fun girls 4-day trip, I definitely need a cleanse! I’ve never done one before but at least this one involves some food & it’s only 3 days!

Peppers, hummus & a Vanilla shake with half a banana in it.

Mini Pizzas

Mini PizzasWhat’s YOUR lunch today?

Nothing fancy here.. But SO good, high protein & SUPER quick! This pic doesn’t do it justice! Add your own toppings but here’s what I did…

  • Toasted Ezekiel English Muffin
  • Chunky “Sweet & Sassy” Salsa (with pineapple chunks if you can find it)
  • Low Sodium Nitrate-free Turkey
  • Organic mozzarella cheese
  • Sliced grape tomatoes

Melt cheese in the oven or microwave. I would’ve added avocado & olives if I had them! Ezekiel English muffins are sold in most grocer’s freezer section. The salsa I used is made here in Ohio & only sold at select stores but I think has chunky Chipotle Pineapple Salsa.

HIIT Workout

HIIT WorkoutWould you do this? I feel blessed to be able to categorize this as “work” for my business as a BB Coach. How does everyone not want to do this?

A whole #HIITworkout‬ just using a Les Millspump bench!

Warmup first.


1 min of each exercise below & only 10 sec transition in between each one (since every other exercise is less intense & acts as “active recovery”)

  • Plyometric runners lunges
  • Tricep Dips
  • Straddle jump squats
  • Tricep Push-ups
  • Quick Mountain Climbers
  • Toes to Med ball (or dumbell )
  • Alternating jumping side lunges
  • Piyo‬ pedal with Med ball (or dumbbell)

Cool down & stretch

You Just Get Stronger

You Just Get StrongerAgreed?! I really don’t like it to be easy anyway!

The reward is so much sweeter when you know you fought for it! Just my 2 cents 🙂

Vanilla and Chocolate, LAYERED!

layersAll I did here was make the recipe twice, once with Vanilla Shakeology and once with Chocolate Shakeology and combined the end product. I made the mixtures per the recipe below, rolled out the mixtures to be flat on parchment paper. Then put one on top of the other (like 2 huge pancakes, one on top of the other), then froze them for an hour so they weren’t as messy to cut into hearts!

Then you of course put them BACK in the freezer, as these are best to eat straight from the freezer. Otherwise, they’re too mushy in my opinion 😉

Here’s the recipe for the chocolate mixture. If you’re layering, just do another batch but using Vanilla Shakeology instead. Yes, regular protein powder might work but then you’re missing all the nutrients of Shakeology & if you’re going to do that, you might as well just grab an already-made, processed protein bar (not that I don’t do that sometimes! wink emoticon )


  • 1 cup Quick Oats (or 2.5pckgs instant oatmeal. Lower Sugar Maple Brown Sugar is awesome)
  • 1 cup “Just Great Stuff” (organic cleaner version of PB2)
  • 1/2 cup Natural Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • 1 Scoop or package of Chocolate Shakeology (Vanilla for the other)
  • 2 full drops Stevia Sweat Leaf (or use agave or honey to sweeten)

If too crumbly, add more apple sauce.

The following are estimates because nutrition depends on the size & the exact ingredients you use:
~80 calories per bar/ball
~7-8g protein
Each mixture is enough for 12-18 bars/balls depending on size.

TIP: Wash hands & remove jewelry. Mix all ingredients into large bowl. Roll out mixture flat or into golf-ball sized bites; whatever shape you like. Put into freezer (best when they’ve been in freezer for about 2hrs). Ready to eat straight from the freezer (may take 1-2 minutes to thaw enough to eat).

You have to BELIEVE in it!

believeI love this quote! You have to BELIEVE in it, am I right??

Total Body Home Gym Workout


Today’s total body ‪‎home gym‬ workout fueled by ‪E‬&E and inspired by a ‎crossfit wod‬.

  • 21 push-ups
  • 21 Kettlebell high swings
  • 21 burpees
  • Then 2nd round do 15 of each, then 3rd round do 9 of each.
  • Do 12 weighted lunges (6 each leg) in between each round. You can use dumbbells. I used a 75# barbell. Go lighter if you are new to lunges. Advanced: go heavier & make that back knee touch!

TIP: Do the Kettebell swings after push-ups otherwise I personally think it’s too much upper-body repetition to do the push-ups into the burpees.
warmup first & stretch after.

What’s Your Goal

What’s Your Goal?

Whats your goal