GO TEAM HARDCORE!! Why not you??
These are my personally sponsored Coaches who would NEVER tell you about their own success so I will !
Will you help me congratulate them!?
It’s TOUGH to make a great living in fitness.. until this business came along! The incomes represent lives CHANGED for the better first and foremost.. but it also represents focus and perseverance doing what they love to do!
None of them set out to make a bunch of money in this. In fact, a few of them just thought the discounts would be cool and a couple others thought it would be great to just bring in an extra $100 a month. Mindy Wender just wanted to be able to cover her $15/month website fee ALL of them just loved what it was about and WENT FOR IT; not ever knowing what it could become.
Of course money doesn’t bring happiness, but being on a fitness journey, being surrounded by positive people, the reward of helping people, and the confidence you gain with this business.. it definitely lifts a lot of burdens and opens a lot of new doors. With this business, they’ve been given the opportunity to be full-time moms and dads, they’ve paid off debt, paid off homes and cars, built NEW dream homes, helped other families, and fulfilled some dreams on their bucket lists. They’ve also been able to have more flexibility and choices since finances aren’t holding back decisions the way they used to.
And many dealt with skepticism from family or friends along the way. They really had to BELIEVE in this… & they DID.
Way to go Leaders of Team Hardcore!! I’m INCREDIBLY PROUD and can’t wait to help more of my team achieve this level in 2015!