Have You Used Knee Sleeves?

Have You Used Knee SleevesWho uses knee sleeves?? Are some brands better than others?

This was my first time. It was a Max30 & leg day so I wore my new knee sleeves by RockTape! With plyo jumping & squatting heavy weight, I’m game for anything that can “save” my knees a little! They did seem to improve my lateral support & blood flow.

Fit Snack

Fit SnackYes?? No??

This is half of a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin (sold in most Grocery Stores’  freezer section because it has no preservatives), 1 hardboiled egg & a little avocado and spicy mustard.. yummm! This is approximately 200 calories & 9g of protein!

Every day is a different challenge

Every day is a different challengeI MaxedOut Did you today?

It wasn’t Insanity Max30 this time, it was a lift & run day.. But I stopped 20 minutes in & started my stretches. That’s not like me to stop early but every day is a different challenge, mentally & physically.

Whatever your 100% is today, give THAT!

Fit Friends

Fit FriendsI always wanted my own home gym where I could work out when I want, how I want & with who I want. I’ve finally made that vision come true due this business Don’t get me wrong, I love gym workouts too but home options are KEY because life is BUSY. I had a great time Turbo’ing with Liza Jane, Hannah O’Connor, and Cory Tice Miller this morning!! Killer Abs & stretching followed.

That voice in your head…

That voice in your head...Right??

I have to remind myself all the time! I hope you do too! It’s that inner battle we have to win!

Cleaning the Closets

Cleaning the ClosetsCleaning out my closet & finding stuff I still love from YEARS AGO!
But this tank is no longer sold.. It’s from the old ‪#‎turbowear‬ line! And I love shredded/cut shirts. Especially when it’s ALREADY cut for you (I can do it, but who’s got time?!) Anyone know of a similar one sold now??

100K Earners

100K EarnersGO TEAM HARDCORE!! Why not you??

These are my personally sponsored Coaches who would NEVER tell you about their own success so I will !

Will you help me congratulate them!?

It’s TOUGH to make a great living in fitness.. until this business came along! The incomes represent lives CHANGED for the better first and foremost.. but it also represents focus and perseverance doing what they love to do!

None of them set out to make a bunch of money in this. In fact, a few of them just thought the discounts would be cool and a couple others thought it would be great to just bring in an extra $100 a month. Mindy Wender just wanted to be able to cover her $15/month website fee ALL of them just loved what it was about and WENT FOR IT; not ever knowing what it could become.

Of course money doesn’t bring happiness, but being on a fitness journey, being surrounded by positive people, the reward of helping people, and the confidence you gain with this business.. it definitely lifts a lot of burdens and opens a lot of new doors. With this business, they’ve been given the opportunity to be full-time moms and dads, they’ve paid off debt, paid off homes and cars, built NEW dream homes, helped other families, and fulfilled some dreams on their bucket lists. They’ve also been able to have more flexibility and choices since finances aren’t holding back decisions the way they used to.
And many dealt with skepticism from family or friends along the way. They really had to BELIEVE in this… & they DID.

Way to go Leaders of Team Hardcore!! I’m INCREDIBLY PROUD and can’t wait to help more of my team achieve this level in 2015!

Animal Theme Christmas Tree

Animal Theme Christmas TreeOur tree has an animal theme & someone’s VERY curious about the birds & squirrels 😉

Salad & Applegate Organics Turkey Burger

Salad & Applegate Organics Turkey BurgerSalad & Applegate Organics Turkey Burger! Do you like the Dijon mustard heart?

What Causes Stress?

What Causes StressThis is what causes STRESS, agreed ?

We think it’s going to happen a certain way, on a certain timeline.. & when it doesn’t, we get stressed.

What helps you manage that??

I try to only look FORWARD & quickly let go of what was “supposed to be.”