Triceps are My Favorite

Triceps are my FavoriteTriceps are my favorite!! This is just a glimpse! And yes, I know I was swinging too much on those triceps kickbacks I think I had video adrenalin 🙂  Btw, this was sped up to fit it all in.. The actual lifting was slower & in control to isolate 🙂

(Click the image to watch.  WARNING: music plays!)

Incredible Inspiration

Incredible InspirationYou HAVE to watch Katy’s story!  She’s an INCREDIBLE inspiration! Please SHARE!

(Click the image to watch video)

We all know a lot of people that need to hear her message and adopt her determination and attitude!!

I had the honor of meeting Katy backstage.. luckily she presented AFTER me otherwise I would’ve stepped on stage a MESS! Get your tissues ready!

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you Katy .. you’re paving the way for so many!

Leadership Retreat

leadership retreatMindy Wender and I speaking at the Leadership Retreat..

Public speaking does not fall anywhere within our comfort zones, especially speaking to our peers & the Leaders of the organization – we’re both formerly quite shy. BUT.. Public speaking & presenting on video gets better the more you do it.

Take that first awkward step & REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT.

Good Times with some of my Leaders

Good Times with some of my LeadersGood times with *some* of my Leaders who qualified for the Leadership Conference!

From left: Cory Tice Miller, Meg Wiczynski, Krystal L. Bland, Carolyn Fontana Wilhelm & Christi Williams

A new Leadership conference will be held in LA for 2-Stars & above & then a second one for 5-Stars & above in October next year..

Who’s going for it?!


I Can & I Will

I CanIf you’re pursuing something big, someone may doubt you… But you CANNOT let that someone be you!

You are smarter than you think, stronger than you lift, & faster than you run.


LungesClick image to play video:  WARNING: Music Plays 🙂

Lunges work your booty like no other. I’m just doing front-racked lunges to help me keep my chest up but you can do them with the bar on your back or dumbbells in hand. Touch your back knee to the floor on each rep.

3-4 sets of 8-16 reps a couple times a week if you’re “all about that bass”
(The song that’s playing).

And frame 2 is there because I can finally do Kipping pull-ups & I’m excited (even though some will make fun of them saying they’re not the same as REAL pull-ups ..and no one would argue that they are the same) & the 3rd frame has no point 🙂

Next Month’s Body

Next Months BodyAnd the more you give in to “just one more” & I’ll start tomorrow” & “I messed up today anyway” .. The longer you delay the fitness you deserve.

I only know this because I’ve been there!

But not YOU, not again ..right?!

New Coach Training

New Coach TrainingWhat do you wish you would’ve have known earlier in life?

My only regret is not pursuing this business even sooner than I did.
I just thought it wasn’t for me… I didn’t understand it, I thought it would be like other network marketing businesses, I didn’t know what it would take, I assumed it was about pushing products, I didn’t think I had time, didn’t think I could be successful with it given my shy personality and that I wasn’t using social media.

Now I *teach* my coaches social media effectiveness.

It doesn’t hurt to look into it 😉 Just inbox message me on this page if you don’t have a Coach, live in the US or Canada, and want more info.

Now is the time to get enrolled, let me get you started, and get in a groove before January fitness madness hits! My next New Coach Training is starting next week for new coaches joining me on Team HardCore!

Superfood Protein Peanut Butter Bites

Superfood Protein Peanut Butter BitesThese are THE BOMB! Have you tried them yet??

It’s time to make a couple of batches.Use as pre-workout, a snack, or to satisfy your PB craving and/or chocolate craving in a SUPERfood, healthy way. And kids love them too!

Mix all ingredients in large bowl:
1. 1 cup “Just Great Stuff” powdered PB (or PB2. Both avail at Just Great Stuff is similar to PB2 but seems to have cleaner ingredients AND is Organic)
2. 1/2 cup all-natural Peanut Butter
3. 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
4. 6 packets all-natural Stevia
5. 1 scoop superfood Vanilla Shakeology or Chocolate #Shakeology
6. 1 cup dry oatmeal

Mix well. Form into golf-ball sized bites. FREEZE for 1-2 hrs & keep frozen. When you want one, let it stand for 30 seconds to thaw a little Makes ~15’ish..depending on size. They’re ~80 calories each & ~8g protein.

Time to Decide

get healthierHealthier, Stronger, Fitter, and Faster.. Set nutrition goals & performance goals .. Let the rest fall into place.


Wake up and work out tomorrow??