Congratulations, Tiffany!
/in Blog, Coaching /by Jenelle SummersPlease help me congratulate Tiffany for achieving Emerald!!!
Not only is her transformation AMAZING but Tiffany’s customers that join her challenge groups ROCK their results!! It’s SO cool to see how Tifffany is paying it toward to other moms like herself! It’s not about the size…it’s about feeling good about yourself and knowing you are being the best mom, wife & friend you an be because’re happy on the inside! She’s such a kind heart & living example of pushing forward! I’m so proud to have you in Team Hardcore Tiffany!!
How to get to the next level
/in Blog, Inspiration /by Jenelle SummersGetting yourself to that next level, whether in fitness or business, might mean you have to invest some time (or money) and you’re unsure if it will be worth it, right??
If you’re waiting for the perfect time or a guarantee, you could miss the boat!
I’ve realized my happiness, my business & fitness has come from making some of the toughest decisions & taking some of the most difficult first steps.
What are you working towards right now?
/in Blog, Inspiration /by Jenelle SummersWhat are you working towards right now? Something in business, something in fitness ?
If you let go of achieving perfection – achieving what you *perceive* as success- and you just give 110% to your top priorities, the rest falls into place.
The work is never convenient, the timing is rarely ideal, & the know-how is usually insufficient but the person you become in all you overcome, is priceless!
I feel better if I look better
/in Be Happy, Blog /by Jenelle Summers For those asking in the last post, the top is from & so is the Pink Bra Top! These leggings are Nike.
Of course I’m trying to impress NO ONE working out at home, I feel better if I look better 😉
He adores his mama
/in Be Happy, Blog /by Jenelle SummersWe have 2 Scottish Terriers but this one just adores his mama 🙂
Would you rather live your passion, be debt free, ..or BOTH?
/in Blog, Coaching /by Jenelle SummersWould you rather live your passion, be debt free, ..or BOTH??
5 minutes of inspiration & proof that this business works if YOU do:
So please help me give HUGE congratulations to Team HardCore’s Top ranked and Top Earning Coach, who has become one of my close friends, Mindy Wender for achieving 6-STAR (qualifying 7) in her SECOND business center! ****She’s already 15-Star in her first.***
Mindy is a mom and wife from a small town, and built her business for the first year while working full-time (like most of us do). She’s had her share of failures, set-backs, moments of “will this EVERRRRR take off????”, skeptics around her, “am I good enough??”, etc. But she had far MORE moments of determination and passion. Mindy had a fire within her and it was for HER FAMILY.. not for the money. The money just happens to follow with the number of people you reach and help. She’s SO humble and down-to-earth. When she joined my team she said…
“Ok, I get it now..I need to do this for me and mostly for my family. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
I had no idea to the degree of determination she would “do it”!
I know in the beginning stages, when it seems you’re putting in the effort and barely anything is happening yet, you FEEL like maybe this isn’t for you, maybe only the people who joined years ago have a chance to make it big, maybe you have to start out with a following to be successful… none of that is the case. I *knew* Mindy was DEFINITELY on an amazing track of building a solid foundation, despite the fact that she felt it seemed slow in the beginning (I think most feel that way & many give up as a result) – I KNEW it would take off if she kept up her incredible efforts..and I told her so! Thank goodness she believed me ! But MINDY deserves ALL the credit.. she’s the one who took initiative to try new things, to listen to all the calls when she was too tired, to watch all the webinars when she had other things calling her name, to implement what she learned even when she knew all her ducks weren’t in a row yet and others were judging her.. she took risks, she pushed thru hard times, she believed in herself, her customers and especially her team.
I’m BEYOND proud of her!!
Sorry for the long post, but I want others to know what’s possible and so does Mindy and that’s why she’s telling her story.
Did you start your PiYo yet?
/in Blog, Products /by Jenelle SummersDid you start your PiYo yet?! I did! Been doing it every morning first thing!
This is from the Coach Summit super workout with 9000 people!
You Can’t Crunch Your Way to Flat Abs
/in Blog, Healthy Tips, Train Mean /by Jenelle SummersI’m sure you already know, you cannot target one area for fat loss, unfortunately. You gain fat in the areas you are genetically predisposed to gain fat. Two people with the same weight, height & body fat % can have entirely different bodies & trouble’s genetics.
BUT…You can still lose that fat in your trouble zones, it’s just that the trouble zones will likely be the last area to shrink. It takes proper nutrition (including food types, portions, frequency & the necessary nutrients), cardio, sleep, water, stress relief, and STRENGTH TRAINING your entire body.
But, that said, gaining muscle in those areas DOES help the appearance of those areas. Muscle DOES increase your fat burning metabolism (the more muscle, the higher the metabolism), & muscle does give you your body its BEST shape.. among COUNTLESS other benefits.
Fitness is a Lifestyle
/in Blog, Coaching, Inspiration /by Jenelle SummersCoaching has brought me closer to so many amazing people. Are people into fitness happier & nicer??
I think so! As long as the fitness starts from a mindset they have from within! Fitness is a lifestyle, a journey & a mindset, not a look or a size!
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