Anyone have a lower-body injury?
Depending on what it is, you MAY be able to do this one.
Today’s somewhat low-impact but intense workout.
1 min of each, 2-4 rounds thru (depending on if you want a 20min, 30 min or 40-min circuit)
Include a Warm up, Cooldown & STRETCH write all down on a dry erase board & GO!
1. Push-ups (knees if needed) OR #BattleRopes if avail.
2. Mtn Climbers
3. Row OR #burpees
4. Sit-ups on the #GHD (or full traditional sit-ups)
5. #Tricepdips off a bench
6. #WallBalls OR squats w/weights
7. #DoubleUnders (jumprope,2 revolutions) or traditional jump.
8. Bicep curls with lunges
9. Quick explosive Alternating front kicks
10. #russiantwists w/med ball or a dumbbell
2-4 rounds! No rest except getting to each exercise.For the lower-body injured or those avoiding high impact.