Make Me Feel Alive

Make Me Feel AliveAGREE?!

Hoping no one reads too deep into this…just saying I like a tough workout!





Wake up and work out

Wake up and work outTIRED THIS MORNING?

Get hydrated & work up a sweat! You’ll clear your head & be ready to start 2014 on an endorphin high!





Favorite Travel Blender

favorite travel blenderWhat’s YOUR favorite travel blender???

I still HIGHLY recommend the Oster Blender (bought mine at Target) as an awesome 20oz Travel Blender. A little ice from the hotel, a banana (maybe a Peanut Butter packet too) & your Shakeology ..and you’re good to go for a healthy high-protein meal instead of eating at a restaurant AGAIN. It’s always a life-saver for me when I travel.

What’s YOUR fav?


Awesome Job, Hetchut!

Awesome job hetchutPlease help me congratulate Hetchut for already achieving Emerald in her business!!! I absolutely LOVE working with people like Hetchut! She’s smart, sweet and is so ready to help more people!

She says …”coaching has given me the opportunity to earn money while working in my purpose, help me to have more confidence in myself, take my health and fitness to another level, allow me to help others see their potential, as well as reach THEIR health and fitness goals!”


Make 2014 Your Year

Make 2014 Your YearRid yourself of negative thoughts & distance yourself from negative people (or people who just do NOT want what’s best for you). Life is too short to let anything hold you back.

Identify your top priorities & goals, Educate yourself, make a decision to commit, & learn to ENJOY overcoming the challenges it takes to succeed!!



Favorite pre-workout snack


You have to figure out what works best for YOU based on how fast you metabolize food so you know how much to eat for energy but still be able to digest it before you workout, foods that you digest well, foods that are low on the glycemic index (better for fat burning during your workout), foods that give you energy, how much time you have before the workout, what fits YOUR nutritional needs, etc.

This is a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin (freezer section of your grocery store) with “Just Great Stuff” powdered PB (from, with Half banana. I’m all for all-natural PB (i love PB) but given MY personal nutritional needs, adding PB would’ve made this a meal at 400-500 calories when I just wanted a little fuel/snack right now. The honey drizzle was just for the picture, but it was good! You can get GF Ezekiel Muffins too!

Do it for you

Do it for youYou’re going to have your weak moments & off days, the key is to identify what caused it so you can avoid the situation/environment next time, but pick yourself up mentally to re-commit. You have to do it for YOU!

Capri’s by Public Myth




Power Couple!


Well, Carolyn and Ryan Luhning, both new ONE-STAR DIAMONDS, are definitely a power couple on the same page!! They’re an inspiration to SO many – lots of demand to be in their challenge groups (see comment section)!! Their energy is contagious! These two are setting an EXCELLENT example as parents, leaders to their team of coaches and customers, and as Fitness Inspirations!! They’ve both had amazing transformations from the inside out with Beachbody programs.

Will you please help me congratulate them for BOTH achieving ONE-STAR Diamond in their business centers!

YES, BOTH! I’m sooo proud to have you both on the team!!

Orange Roughy

Orange RoughyDinner Inspiration?

This is Orange Roughy & quinoa, spinach salad with tomatoes & avocado. Dressing was a light balsamic vinaigrette And I like salsa & nonfat plain Greek yogurt as a condiment mixed with just about everything!

My hubby made the fish but seemed pretty simple in a skillet.



Congratulations, Trina!

Congratulations, Trina!I’m SO excited! Team HardCore now has another MILLIONAIRE earner! Please help me congratulate 15-Star Diamond Trina Gray Fitness for making the MILLIONAIRE’s CLUB with her Beachbody business!! Trina will be the first to tell you she didn’t join as a Coach thinking she was going to be a million dollar earner with it.. but that’s what happens when you lead with passion and put in the consistent effort.

On a fulltime basis, Trina owns AND directs TWO cutting-edge gyms, presents on fitness topics nationally, is VERY involved in her community, teaches fitness classes, runs bootcamps, hosts online fitness and Beachbody Coach Training groups for her team.. all the while making her role as a mom and wife her priority.

When she first joined, she didn’t think she had time for this. Then once she understood how it could fit into her life & how it could change her family’s life, she MADE time for it.

Many of you have heard her trainings or presentations so you know firsthand, this isn’t just a fluke. This isn’t luck. She’s a brilliant, no-excuses, business owner and leader.

Trina joins Mindy Wender in the Millionaire Club for Team HardCore so far! Can’t wait to see who’s next on the team! Both are so humble and the LEAST motivated by money.

Please help me give it up for TRINA!!!