Finding the discipline

Finding the disciplineNUTRITION impacts results by about 80%. EXERCISE impacts self confidence by 80%. But finding the discipline within yourself to do both, impacts your life 100%.

Just my opinion.





RockstarsI hope no one minds Shoutouts and inspiring stories because without this amazing team and the incredibly inspiring people in my life, I couldn’t do what *I* do anymore! I’d have to go back to Corporate & my HR job – not a bad job AT ALL, but I prefer to help people in fitness & health.

Sooo.. would you please help me congratulate my WHOLE team of Team Hardcore for killing it in 2013 which meant I ended up #3 in the Company for THEIR awesomeness!

I love each and every one of my team members and am excited about the up & coming ROCKSTARS I have!!

AND…SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS TO Meg Wiczynski-Fitaddicted for ending up as #6 in the Company!, 15-STAR Diamond Mindy Wender for ending up as #24 in the company (this is out of 140,000+ coaches!), and Cory Miller for becoming my newest personally sponsored 5-STAR DIAMOND Coach (with multiple business centers) to make ELITE!!

Thru this business, these 3 have become some of my very closest, dearest friends!! They have worked INCREDIBLY hard thru a LOT of diversity in their own lives!!

They are not under me, they are beside me! They are the most humble and caring people ..they’re GO-GIVERS!

Please help me congratulate them!! Thanks so much for your support friends!

Love Pink

love pinkThe verdict is in…The new Strawberry Shakeology is delicious!!

I had mine as a post-workout meal with ~1c ice, 1c Vanilla unsweetened Almond Milk, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 scoop Vanilla Hydrowhey (by Optimum Nutrition) & 1/2 banana (& blended until creamy of course). You don’t have to add extra protein.




Fitness Truth

Fitness Truth1. You cannot target fatloss to a certain area of your body. When you lose body fat, it comes off all over but WHERE it comes off first/last is based on your body type & your genetics.

2. The scale is not the whole picture.

3. The more muscle you have, the higher your fat-burning metabolism. And it’s the only way to truly CHANGE the shape of your body.

4. Having defined abs is probably the most sought-after fitness result. But unless you’re genetically blessed or under the age of 18, it requires eating clean, cardio & strength training -all 3 consistently- to achieve the low bodyfat % it takes to see the underlying ab muscles. It CAN be done, even if your genetics are fighting it more than someone else’s. It’s just a question of what you WANT & if you’re willing to work for it.

NICE WORK Gabrielle!


Please help me congratulate Gabrielle Lepine not only on her transformation but also achieving EMERALD in her business! Gabrielle is SO sweet & such a GREAT Coach!!

Gabrielle is a devoted mom, works full-time in Communications & Human Resources Management and is also bilingual – french & english! Her favorite programs are TurboFire and CLX, but has done T25 and started P90X3!

She says …”the most rewarding thing about coaching is to be able to support people changing their own life for the better. I get the greatest feeling of pride when they achieve their goals and tell me that I inspired them to do so. I love that coaching is also helping me stay accountable and get out of my comfort zone everytime I reconnect with someone, or talk to someone new about the business!”

NICE WORK Gabrielle!!!


disciplineJust a little Monday Motivation as I need it too!

I’m actually going to do a late night workout–not ideal, but discipline rarely aligns with convenience, right?





Congratulations Andy!

Congratulations AndyCONGRATULATIONS TO ANDY!!! Andy achieved Emerald in her business already! This is a pic of us from the Platinum Edge conference. She already has some great training under her belt to help others more! She’s INVESTED in this very seriously. Please help me congratulate her!

You will be in GREAT hands with Andy.. she’s the sweetest thing! She’s a mom, a wife, works fulltime, obviously loves Fitness & helping others, she also loves DANCE and MUSIC.

She says ..”Being a coach has been an awesome experience. It has completely changed my lifestyle and myself. I’m glad to be able to inspire, help others achieve their goals and reach their potential by believing it’s possible! This is just the beginning of a new stage!”

Congratulations Andy!!

What are you working on?


If you’re too focused on the scale, you’re going to miss a lot of the fun in getting fit! Focus on performance, strength, nutrition that fuels you, energy, & flexibility goals. The rest will fall into place.

And yes, I know my shoulders & back are desperately needing better flexibility. Workin on it.



Push Press

Push PressWhen you have a lower body injury, sometimes you have to get creative to get your heart rate up to get intense cardio in.

Quick, explosive push presses (with lighter weight but heavy enough that sets of 25-30 reps each are challenging) are a great way to increase your heart rate during a circuit or HIIT. Incorporate these with other things you can do like intervals of ab work, push-ups, elliptical, spin bike–depends on your injury.

I use 20lbs on each side of the bar & aim for 25 reps in one minute.

In my HIIT workouts, I usually end up doing 4 sets among the other intervals.


Planks...Am I right or what?!

Abs are developed as a result of your workouts & REVEALED as a result of your nutrition.