As soon as i _____, then I’ll be ready to ________!
Do you negotiate with yourself on things?
When i first got on IG, I only posted my food🍏🥙🥦🍓, then my wise but bossy, older sister Chalene 😝 told me people need to SEE you in order to connect with you & then be inspired by you.
So then I started posting a dark pic here & there 👤😆and honestly, that’s WAY easier now but still selfies are not my favorite (but SO worth it to do what I do).
Then once other fitness professionals started posting videos, I said, “oh no way! once I have a 6-pack, then I’ll post videos on IG☝☺️” Haha… good thing I didn’t wait ! I shut that voice down & put my big girl pants on (well my high-waisted lululemons that is☺️) & posted some HIIT workouts which I LOVE to create due to teaching bootcamp for years (capitalize on YOUR strengths & history)!
If I didn’t step out of my comfort zone, which wasn’t comfy anyway- it was stagnant – I wouldn’t be fulfilling my passion and my *responsibility* to help other women in fitness and in business!
So gurrrlll, what are you waiting for?
Don’t wait for the “perfect time” because there will ALWAYS be a million reasons why it might not be the perfect time.
There’s ALWAYS a slew of people smarter, prettier, more qualified, leaner, etc etc but no one has your exact history, experiences, skills or unique strengths. Own that & focus on what you DO have right now. If you’ve got one GOOD reason to act now, go for it and learn as you grow 😁💫