Wake up and work out

Wake up and work outTIRED THIS MORNING?

Get hydrated & work up a sweat! You’ll clear your head & be ready to start 2014 on an endorphin high!






Planks...Am I right or what?!

Abs are developed as a result of your workouts & REVEALED as a result of your nutrition.







Work your core

Work your coreWould you rather work your core or injure your back?

Lack of core strength (which includes your back too) can result in back injuries. Back injuries are awful to deal with!

With a dumbbell or medicine ball, lower down VERY slowly, one vertebrae at a time, letting your lower back touch, then shoulders, keeping the ball or weight overhead. Slowly ROLL yourself back up slowly without any jerking or momentum & the ball or weight still overhead. Keep your knees bent & extended in front of you the whole time. ️

Be sure you’re warmed up!! In case this is too difficult, try it without weight first. This med ball is 14lbs

What will your workout be today

What will your workout be todayWhat will your workout be today? Or is it a rest day?

Just some more abwork. With a medicine ball or dumbbell, side step with rotation (this one can be done FAST & is more of a cardio exercise that works the core too ..good for those who can’t JUMP but need to get the heart rate up!), russian twists with feet up, & tucks or pikes!




ProgressYay! Finally I’ve got some progress in progress on those back muscles! All because I decided I’d focus on upper body until I can get back to normal workouts.

When one door closes, you better OPEN another one!!




StretchAre you REALLY taking the time to stretch?

I WASN’T, but I am now!️

I’m finding the years of flying thru my stretches, going through the motions, is catching up with my flexibility… Without flexibility your strength is limited & your injury risk is elevated.

Put on some relaxing music AFTER your workout when your muscles are WARM and learn to enjoy it. I like to be moving, so this is a huge struggle for me!

Now get to work!

Get to workI’m sure my form is not the best, but this was part of a shoulders-focused HIIT workout which came after a shoulder-focused lift!

Needless to say, I’M BEAT and cannot lift my arms!

Click the photo to watch the video!




The Oldest Female Body Builder is 77!

body builderWould you believe Ernestine Shepherd-World’s Oldest Female Body Builder is 77!?!

She’s AMAZING…not just fit; an inspiration in so many ways!

She started getting into fitness in her 50’s. It’s NEVER too late!!



Let’s do This

Lets do ThisI did NOT have stellar eating habits over the last few days (my problem is not junk, it’s eating too much) but I’m gonna brush it off as carb cycling or bulking.

Regardless, time to make the rest of this month, the BEST of this month!!  You with me?!



Great Capris!

Great CaprisYou like these pants or you strongly dislike?!

Zero point to this post other than I’m really excited about these Capri’s I got in the mail today; ordered from PublicMyth.com after I saw them on @beachyogagirl ! Great waistband! If you have a booty though, I’d order a size up! I am ok in this small, but barely!