Get to Flexing!

Get to FlexingIs the scale getting you down?

It’s not an accurate picture so take it worth a grain of salt.

Focus on strength not the scale & you’ll be so much happier with your results & more motivated due to the progress you’re making. Set nutrition, performance & consistency goals with an action plan & the results will fall into place!

Make it Count!

Make it countWhen you get to that rep that makes you despise the exercise, & your brain says you’re done, find your mental second wind & do more until your MUSCLES say you’re done. You’re much stronger than you think!




Strength Cardio Pyramid

Strength Cardio PyramidShoulder Lift + This Cardio Circuit Today (times 3 rounds!) Totally do-able, right?!

I got my P90X3 in the mail and the eating guide looks AMAZING (worth the money right there!), but I’ll have to hold off doing the workouts just a bit longer (due to hamstring/glute pull), so still making up my own workouts that are mostly upper body and core.

If you happen to do this workout, include a warmup and  cooldown with stretch.



Go Heavy or Go Home

Go Heavy or Go HomeNo, I wont really send you home.

Actually lifting lighter weights for a higher number of reps (working the endurance of the existing muscle) has its benefits too! I incorporate a little bit of endurance training. I just prefer to focus on heavy lifting more often, and have for years, because I like those benefits even more. WHAT DO YOU PREFER?

What constitutes HEAVY is all relative to your own personal strength and opinion. I just moved up to 25lb bicep curls and can’t finish a set of 8 yet.

So to me at this point in time, that’s heavy

Who Inspires You?

Who Inspires YouWho inspires YOU?

I’m still on such a HIGH after getting slalom ski lessons from World Champion  waterskier Whitney McClintock and Matt Rini! Whit is such an inspirational & AMAZING athlete!!

I feel so grateful we met here on IG and it led to me getting to meet her and get a lesson! Follow @whitmcclintock and watch her set WORLD RECORDS in her sport!



Favorite Shoes for Cardio

Favorite Shoes for CardioMy favorite shoes for cardio! What are your fav’s?!

These are Lunar Glide5 Nike. Just got this new pair from Matt and Tyler for Christmas! I Turbokick, run, some, crossfit workouts, Insanity and some HIIT workouts in them. But all feet are different.







P90X3What do you think of P90X3 so far?

No, I haven’t tried it yet. I can’t do it until this hamstring/glute injury heals (honestly seems it NEVER will)  Anyway, I love it when I see my sister’s programs or any of Beachbody’s fitness programs and Shakeology featured in magazines and on TV.

Fitness Coaches…there’s no doubt we’ve teamed up with the BEST in at-home fitness!

p.s. love the abs!

I’m back on track!

Im back on trackIt was a gorgeous day at the cottage & got back on track!

How bout you?!






Home Gym Set Up

What are YOUR must-haves in your workout space?

Home Gym Set UpDon’t get me wrong, you can get fit with just your own body weight & I love body-weight exercises, Turbo, running, HIITs and skiing, too!

This is our cottage home gym setup so far & I thought maybe it would be helpful to share this with others. If it’s not helpful, by all means Keep Calm and Scroll On. Of course a stock of effective DVDs is important too!

1. Mirrors – from
2. Spin Bike – Sole from
3. SelectTech Dumbells
4. WeightBench –
5. Step –
6. Pump Barbell & extra weight plates
7. Chalkboard to write your #wod -office supply
8. Rubber locking Flooring- Amazon
9. Exercise Ball-, target, anywhere really!
10. Resistance bands – Green sculpting bands, (it says purple is more resistance but GREEN is!)

Low Impact Cardio

Low Impact CardioAnother low impact cardio & lift about to commence!

I’m still modifying workouts but focusing on what I CAN do & getting stronger in OTHER areas. What gets YOU started?

Me…I don’t debate it, ask myself if I’m too sore, too tired or have time…I just turn on my music & get dressed for it!