Only workout on 2 occasions…

Only workout on 2 occasions...Alrighty!?! You’re not necessarily going to feel motivated to workout. Don’t give yourself time to legitimize why you shouldn’t.

Get your favorite workout outfit on, start playing a song that gets you moving & get started.






Batman Bombs

Batman BombsThank you very little Black Swamp CrossFit for inventing Batman Bombs & introducing them into my life!

Batman Bombs are sprints with a 14lb med ball overhead (20lbs for the boys!).

Try this workout after you’ve warmed up: 20 wallballs OR 30 deep squats w/overhead medicine ball swings, 3 wall climbers, 2 batman bomb sprints (~150yds each) for 18 minutes straight, as many rounds of those 3 things as possible!

You’re neighbors will think you are CRAY but that’s ok!  And in case anyone asks, yes, I add in some Crossfit 2-3 times a week for new challenges.



Accountability Partner

Accountability PartnerEven if it’s a virtual workout partner, find people who hold you accountable & want you to be at your best!

Who’s yours?!






Tank needed a talking to!

Tank needed a talking to!Tank needed a talking to!

Trying to practice my handstands outside and he’s all up in my face!






Wall Climbers

Wall ClimbersWarm up & stretch first, no dirty shoes on walls (go barefoot), & point your toes once you start getting your body close to the wall so that you’re able to get your thighs touching the wall.








Beanies & Leggings

Beanies & LeggingsTime to bring out the beanies & leggings!

It’s COLD here in Ohio!!! Well, low 70’s is cold to me.  Actually just procrastinating my workout… Yah, I do that too!






Fitness and Shoes!

Fitness and Shoes!This is my sister Chalene Johnson before she taught the Piyo workout at the Leadership 2013 retreat!

I may start teaching Piyo just so I can walk into the gym with wedges!

It was an AWESOME full body strength & stretch workout!



Focus On Who You Are, Not What You Weigh


The scale is only ONE indicator & often a VERY inaccurate one if you’re building muscle, which you should be doing if you want to be lean & sculpted.

Don’t let the scale derail your thoughts & efforts. You may gain water weight (muscles’ initial defense mechanism) & muscle weight. Ignore it & keep dialing into your workouts & your nutrition.

Don’t wait to lose weight before you start strength training; the more muscle you have, the more fat & calories you burn all day/all night

Progress Pics

Progress PicsTake progress pictures weekly instead of stepping on the scale; it keeps you on track.









Rest Days

Rest DaysAre you good at REST DAYS?

I woke up feeling like I’ve been hit by a Mack Truck due to intense workouts all week, but I needed to move and stretch. So I took it easy with a slow run + handstands + big time stretching! I feel SO much better!