“How do I lose weight in my lower abdominal region???”

I am constantly asked “How do I lose weight in my lower abdominal region???”. I felt I needed to explain this topic fully so I made this video for you. Check it out.


Top 10 Things Hindering your Results

Any of these have YOU struggling ??

There are of course others that affect some people more, but these are the top 10 I’ve experienced myself over the years & in my experience helping others achieve results. Dial in to your problem(s) & commit to your solutions👍🏼 Msg me if you need help & don’t already have a coach you’re working with.

Top 10 Things that hinder your results

You’re not the kind to settle

Keep not settlingWhat keeps holding you back??
Stress? Time? Food? Wine? Work??

Making progress is all about making changes!
Your past and current situation only affects your progress as much as YOU let it.


Identify the triggers that stop you from making progress, create an action plan, and commit !👊

If you plan to be Successful

If you plan to be successfulThe first few times I did a Turbo class, the first few times I taught fitness classes, the first few months as a coach, the first few times I held a team training, etc.. I bombed all these things at first💣!


It can be frustrating and embarrassing but only if you LET it get to you!


Expect & welcome the learning opportunities!📈

On the topic of before photos

getting_readyJust pullin up leggings before I film another vid for u all!I’ve had several people ask if I have a “before” photo. Well… If you know me, you know prior to becoming a coach 7ys ago, I would NEVER let anyone take pics of me! I avoided the camera AT ALL COSTS🙅. I can’t even find one where you can see I was pregnant. I was not on social media & if you saw me in older Turbo or CLX videos with my sis Chalene Johnson , you could probably tell I didn’t want any spotlight🎥. Pics of us growing up, I have my hand in front of my face.

But I’m over caring so much about what people think of my looks or figure and am all about doing pics/videos if it means I’m helping someone else.

Although I’ve had 2 points in my life where I was heavier, I don’t have pics, unfortunately😏. One time was after having Tyler of course (& I actually did NOT feel stressed about losing that weight, I was already a personal trainer & fitness instructor as side jobs & was confident I could get my pre-baby body back) & the other time was when I was 14👧<<<this was the time when I truly felt DESPERATE to lose weight & would cry myself to sleep. I started my journey at 14, with MANY mistakes & ridiculous starvation (I was not really overweight but was considered overweight in the ballet world), but I educated myself📕 and started gradually in college getting on a more healthy fitness path! This is why I now REFUSE to skip meals & rarely weigh myself!🙅I haven’t given up on my commitment to “true fitness” for myself ever since.


BUT still to this day, I’m constantly learning, adjusting to what life throws my way, failing, changing, trying & re-trying; all while keeping my 🔝priorities as my top priorities, being the best Mom & Wife I can be… I take it all one day at a time!


🏅I just want to give props to those of you who decide TODAY to not ever give up on yourself, who decide not to judge someone else’s journey, and special props to those who decide to put themselves out there.. because it is NOT easy to be so vulnerable and open!🙈

Long but good read

Make sure its worth itLONG POST ALERT

Everything’s in your past. It’s behind you, learn & progress forward….

The weekend is coming and I’m making plans not only to stay on track, but make progress. I need to after traveling last week and being off my normal schedule for a couple of weeks.

Trust me, I will still have FUN and live *balanced* not perfect.

And believe me, I think it’s necessary and HEALTHY to splurge once in a while – if you’ve seen my “typical day of eating” that’s available on my blog, you know i’m not a perfect eater anyway and I certainly DO enjoy a drink or two when it’s worth it….

…but it’s NOT worth it to me to splurge REGULARLY or drink REGULARLY (every weekend or every night as some do) to be my best as a mom, wife or business leader and I certainly could not perform at my best PHYSICALLY if I did that.. (do you even KNOW how much alcohol slows your metabolism for the minimum 10 hours that a standard drink is in your system and how it affects your nutrition absorption and energy/performance the next day!?!) so it’s just not worth it to me. I have to constantly remind myself of that because it’s SO easy to just give in because everyone else is doing it and because it seems like a GREAT idea at the time!

And then you have everyone and their brother saying “live a little”… Me: “believe me dude, i’m living” I drink and splurge when it’s worth it! But that makes others feel guilty and they’ll make comments, so do your thing and pay no attention.

NOTE: I’m NOT talking about the 1 glass of red wine at night with no added snacks, or the daily small piece of dark chocolate, or your 1 piece of cake annually, or 1-2 drinks on a special date night (but skip the bread!) ..that’s all good & not an issue in my opinion.
So I really hope this isn’t misinterpreted.

But if you can eat whatever you want, drink when you want and have 2 or more every time, and you still excel in your personal life, in your career/business and make progress on your fitness goals too, GREAT (and if that’s the case, you either have amazing genetics, you don’t have kids, or you’re under the age of 30..lol).. but that’s not me and maybe that’s your reality too.

Years ago when I was personal training a girl a couple times a week after work, I was frustrated that she wasn’t getting results even though she was working out HARD and tracking her food… a few years later, I saw she had lost about 20 pounds and looked AMAZING. I was so happy for her but also dumbfounded.. why wasn’t *I* able to help her see that transformation? So I asked her “what made the difference for you?” She said “I gave up my Peanut Butter addiction and I stopped drinking. I was drinking every night”. OMG.. she never mentioned the PB addiction nor that she was drinking every night. But that was the culprit!! Drinking is FINE but too much will cause SIGNIFICANT delays in fat burning for at least the next 10 hours, not to mention empty calories and most lose their inhibitions and eat what they want, reduced nutrition absorption, fatigue, sometimes depression and addiction (which causes a whole other list of problems), and more.
We all have different goals, but if you know you need to make a tough change or break a habit, do it!

The struggle will be REAL but the reward will be BIG!!

Aim for new goals that make PROGRESS.
And DO NOT GIVE UP when it gets tough.

I’ve learned I’m happiest when I feel good about my relationships, my lifestyle, and my accomplishments and those accomplishments don’t happen without pushing thru slip-ups, unexpected obstacles, and making some sacrifices that others probably are NOT willing to make.

You have to decide what’s MOST important for YOU to focus on.

Let’s be real with ourselves, make a commitment and follow thru on it so you can be at YOUR personal best.

Sound like a plan???

Be the best you

Do you prefer progress pics or videos?

Progress pics or videosI’m NEVER gonna be one of those girls who says “excited to see I still have abs even after a week of eating & drinking crap”.. lol, but awesome for you if that’s how well your body metabolizes crap

If I am off track for a week, I feel it & see it. MY reality is there will be small up & down fluctuations ALWAYS ..because I’m human & because being my absolute leanest is NOT a top priority in my life. I rarely weigh myself because I know when I’ve put on weight & likewise, I know when I’ve leaned down a bit.

The key to healthy, steady progress and ☝ keeping your HAPPINESS & CONFIDENCE is to accept whatever is thrown your way & stay EXTREMELY optimistic thru every stage of your journey. In my opinion, confidence, humor, kindness, humility & self-discipline are MUCH sexier than a super fit person without those attributes.
The key to long-term progress:
☝ Get support to quit bad habits
☝ EVERYONE has flaws–don’t compare
☝ set performance goals
☝ mix things up- nutrition & workouts
☝ be extremely grateful for what you have & USE what you have (some people are PRAYING to just move again; some praying just to survive this day).

p.s. I run free accountability groups on Facebook for my customers & ps coaches 👍 if you don’t have a Coach, Inbox me for info📥

You Can’t Wait to be Motivated

dont waitYou can’t wait to be motivated, you have to just do it! Agreed??

I was NOT in the mood to workout this afternoon.. But that rarely stops me, especially if I just took a day off, which I did yesterday. I’ve been doing this‪ ‎fit life long enough to know, most of the time, you JUST DO IT whether you feel like it or not. It’s WAY too easy to find an excuse & if you allow your mind to go there, you’ll SURELY find an excuse!

Usually once I start, I’m ENERGIZED, but this time half way thru I felt sick to my stomach😷. I figured it must’ve been something I ate, so I chose to ignore it & finished a grueling leg workout + a lil ‪turbo. SO GLAD I FINISHED. I felt amazing afterwards! Whatever that nauseous feeling was, it disappeared 👍
Get addicted to that post-workout bliss & remember it when you’re trying to legitimize another day off🙇

Smart Success

Smart Success VideoYou guyssss! Have you checked out & the first Smart Success video yet?! Umm.. Maybe get tissues ready too?

My sis Chalene Johnson & Bret Johnson just opened this up yesterday & people are always kicking themselves that they didn’t watch that video before the video came down & then the registration for the course was closed🚫

You’ve heard me say it like a broken record “I learned that from my sister” and of course it’s true… Most of what I’ve learned were take-aways from Smart Success! This is hands down my FAVORITE personal/professional development course!!

My sister has taught me how to have more time in my life, design a daily schedule that consists of family first, & the things that fuel me & lift me up, & how to build a business that makes 7-figures a year with SMART success versus STRESSED success. EVERYONE can benefit .. Check it out & decide for yourself✨✨✨✨

Here is the link http://www.smartsuccess.com/

Discipline is Everything

Well.. It’s almost everything…
We have to stop kidding ourselves with excuses.
If you can work DAILY on conquering your natural temptations, changing your negative beliefs & self talk, you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible..

But most importantly, I think you’ll find who you were meant to be, who you were meant to inspire & how you were meant to live


Discipline is everything