Don’t Undo Today’s Hard Work

hard workIt’s USUALLY not worth it, right?! Always seems like a good idea at the time. If you feel you fell off track tonight…figure out why so you can learn/fix. Then..let it go! Tomorrow is a new day!

How do you define Fitness?

How do you define FitnessHow do you define Fitness?

I think the whole point of being *truly* fit from the inside out is to evolve into the complete person you were born to be.

It shouldn’t be about reaching a certain size or weight or ripped abs; it’s reaching a mindset that allows you to push forward to take care of yourself the best you can, at every stage of your life.. thru injury, adversity, illnesses & unexpected set-backs.

I’m just starting to get back into lower body lifting, gradually, since my injury (hamstring/glute pull). I know I’m not as fit as I was & it will take months to get back, but I’ve worked my a$$ off everyday for almost a year to do what I CAN do.

All you can do is your best each day, keep the positive self-talk flowing, and THAT is true fitness from the inside out

Green Tea

Green TeaI’m doing Decaf Green Tea in the afternoons now! I already get green tea extract in my Shakeology, but this is just something to warm me up & get some more antioxidants & hydration in at the same time.







Lower body injury? Try this…

Lower Body Injury  Try ThisAnyone have a lower-body injury?
Depending on what it is, you MAY be able to do this one.

Today’s somewhat low-impact but intense workout.

1 min of each, 2-4 rounds thru (depending on if you want a 20min, 30 min or 40-min circuit)

Include a Warm up, Cooldown & STRETCH write all down on a dry erase board & GO!

1. Push-ups (knees if needed) OR #BattleRopes if avail.
2. Mtn Climbers
3. Row OR #burpees
4. Sit-ups on the #GHD (or full traditional sit-ups)
5. #Tricepdips off a bench
6. #WallBalls OR squats w/weights
7. #DoubleUnders (jumprope,2 revolutions) or traditional jump.
8. Bicep curls with lunges
9. Quick explosive Alternating front kicks
10. #russiantwists w/med ball or a dumbbell

2-4 rounds! No rest except getting to each exercise.For the lower-body injured or those avoiding high impact.

Turkey Burger with Spicy Brown Mustard

Turkey Burder with Spicy Brown MustardThis is turkey burger (no special recipe, just some Mrs Dash seasoning), Sesame Ezekiel bread-lightly toasted, baby spinach, a couple tomato slices & the condiment is a mix of a couple tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt with spicy brown mustard.

The fruit is just some pear slices.



What to Eat?

What to EatAre you confused about what to eat, how much & when?

There’s no ONE right meal plan that is sustainable long-term & effective for everyone. Everyone’s goals, activity level, lifestyles, genetics, food sensitivities are different. You have to figure out what works for YOU & keep improving on that every day! Don’t expect to be a perfect eater & be able to maintain that–so start developing sustainable habits. Give new habits time to work–WEEKS if not months.

Figure out your triggers.. grazing, sugar addictions, portion sizes, cravings at night, eating out too often, eating frozen & processed foods, drinking, skipping meals & slowing your metabolism, yo-yo dieting.. Find solutions & stick to fixing one issue at a time.

We hardly have any groceries this morning but I always have liquid egg white cartons, baby spinach & salsa on hand. I do 5 servings of egg whites so it’s 25g protein. Ideally I’d add a whole egg to the egg whites too but didn’t have an egg. It was DELISH! Oh, and yes, I sprinkled some reduced fat feta on it too (I think I’m over my feta addiction now & can bring it back once in awhile) .

Be Your Biggest Cheerleader

Be Your Biggest CheerleaderAlrighty?!

I know, easier said than done but pick yourself up & make it happen! Live it & learn as you go!








Favorite Travel Blender

favorite travel blenderWhat’s YOUR favorite travel blender???

I still HIGHLY recommend the Oster Blender (bought mine at Target) as an awesome 20oz Travel Blender. A little ice from the hotel, a banana (maybe a Peanut Butter packet too) & your Shakeology ..and you’re good to go for a healthy high-protein meal instead of eating at a restaurant AGAIN. It’s always a life-saver for me when I travel.

What’s YOUR fav?


Finding the discipline

Finding the disciplineNUTRITION impacts results by about 80%. EXERCISE impacts self confidence by 80%. But finding the discipline within yourself to do both, impacts your life 100%.

Just my opinion.