7 Steps to goal setting

Years ago I went to one of my first personal development conferences at the suggestion of my big sis Chalene .. it was a Brian Tracy conference. I just found my notes & I definitely followed this to a T! 🎯

Thought I’d share! Does it help??

7 Steps to goal setting:⁣
1. Decide EXACTLY what you want⁣
2. Write it down, only top 3% write it down ⁣
3. Set a deadline & sub deadlines⁣
4. Make a list of everything you have to do to achieve your goal⁣
5. Organize the list by sequence & priority⁣
6. Take action immediately with NO guarantee of success. If you want to hit a bullseye, throw more darts!!!⁣
7. Do something scary EVERY DAY

How do you deal with nay sayers?

Your Nay Sayers: Do you ..

1. love proving them wrong or do you 2️. fall prey to internalizing their words??

Be honest☝🏼

It’s kinda CRAZY to me how much others’ opinions – a friend, a spouse, a co-worker- impact our perspective and decisions …and then OUR LIVES. I wouldn’t be where I am today had I listened to so many nay sayers when I started this business. They were uninformed non-dreamer types who also don’t know my drive and work ethic.

Thank God I knew enough to check FACTS & then just get to work!

“Well good luck with THAT” was fuel to my fire🔥They didn’t know the hurdles I’ve overcome in the past and what I can accomplish if I get focused!

Are YOU letting others put a cap on your potential?! Or… is it YOU that’s having trouble seeing it?

Feel the emotion and deal with the situation

Ever see an email, DM or text that causes you even the slightest anxiety so you head straight to the pantry or fridge to find comfort food?? 👩‍💻🍫

Yes?! Something crunchy, maybe sweet?!

I’ve done that SO many times🙋🏼‍♀️ Obviously the answer isn’t in another snack/treat/drink (whatever your indulgence is).

I’ve learned to stop WALKING AWAY (towards food) and instead feel the emotion and just deal with the situation as best I can …& give myself permission to do so imperfectly… because I don’t always know the RIGHT/BEST way and that’s OK. Right?!

Procrastination isn’t my friend and unfortunately chips & guac won’t solve the problem!☺️ You with me on this??

Have you ever taken an Enneagram test?

Have you ever taken an Enneagram test?? What number are you? I’m a 5.. with some “wings” of some other numbers🤷🏼‍♀️ (I’m new to this, ok!?😆)

Sometimes I wish I was a Psychologist so I could understand human behavior better.. even my own, maybe ESPECIALLY my own!

If you’re going to lead others, you’ll do better if you understand your own tendencies, weaknesses, strengths & motivations as well as understand how DIFFERENT all of those can be for others! SO INTERESTING TO ME!

Would love to know your number!😁 The test is here .. take the test there and come back!🙌🏼

Aggressive Goals Require Aggressive Discipline


I recently heard on a podcast that one of the most valuable assets you can have today is the discipline to stay FOCUSED!

Would you agree?? When I need to really concentrate, it’s a waste of time and effort if I’m multitasking. So I have to completely seclude myself from all interruptions, no phone, no notifications, no sounds, etc. It may require waking up an hour earlier.

It’s NOT easy to create that “space” but I can get 10x more done in a small pocket of time when I do.

You’ve got to be disciplined in CREATING focused time to crush your goals!

The uninterrupted time is not just gonna fall in our laps! Something’s gonna have to give! Am I right ?! 😉

Are you always early or always late?

Are you always early or always late?
Why does time move so fassst?! I hate being late yet I admit I’m late a LOT! Please ..lie to me about the time🙏🏻☺️.
If Matt says “you need to leave the house in 5 minutes or you’ll be late”, my brain goes

.. “ok awesome, I’ve got time to send 1 more email”

but then someone comes to the door,

then I realize I left the flat iron on in the bathroom 🔌

oops now I see the dogs have no water 🐾 ,

I better grab a snack 🍫 , and

“oh CRAP, if I don’t reply to the text NOW, I’ll never remember & she’ll think I’m ignoring her😲!”
I know people tend to believe late people are late on purpose or that they think their time is more important …but I can assure you☝🏼I definitely do NOT think that AT ALL. It definitely stresses me out to be late, but it still happens🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
One tip I’ve learned from Chalene, place lil clocks EVERYWHERE ⏰ & set them ahead.

Use & appreciate what you have

I’m about average height, average weight, probably average intelligence🤷🏼‍♀️🤔, less-than-average hair😆, practically no lips😐, average athleticism🏄‍♀️, no natural organizational skills, a scarred face, I’m always running late🏃‍♀️, I suck at cooking🤦🏼‍♀️, & the list goes on😂.. but I feel incredibly grateful, happy, and NONE of this keeps me from hustling or achieving success.
SO MANY of you in DM’s tell me you’d love to do what I do but proceed to tell me what you DON’T have... as *if* that matters🤷🏼‍♀️ We could have a contest of “dont have’s”!

But all that matters is that we use & appreciate what we DO have. That means taking some risks when you’re not quite sure what that is yet! Throwing some spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks🍝! Yep! Do it! Build the tribe you wish you had! Only thing stopping you is YOU believing the “dont have’s” actually matter.
Most people are NOT willing to put themselves out there.. too much pride, not enough purpose. You don’t have any competition bcuz no one is you (unless you’re copying someone else).
Be so busy creating value & fun that you don’t have time to wish you had more💃🏼

DEAL ???😁

Become a better leader of YOU

You’d think being a former ballerina I’d be flexible but NOT AT ALL. I worked REALLY hard at it then but “you lose what you don’t use” pretty much applies here😏
Thankfully I can move around throughout my day versus when I used to sit at a desk. Sitting all day or MOST of your day, staring at a computer, is so hard on your body!
I used to come home after a long day and a commute, all locked up & wake up feeling like I’d been hit by a Mack truck!🚛 Then you add stress & for me that led to a whole SLEW of additional issues ..mostly after-work cravings which led to eating more sugar which led to sugar crashes, inability to build muscle or lean down, inflammation, bad skin, bloating, etc.
I’m exhausted just reminiscing about it😅.
☝🏼Bottom line, become a better leader of YOU. I had to make some tough changes and sacrifices.
If your job is at the heart of it all, consider finding a new one☝🏼

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

As soon as i _____, then I’ll be ready to ________!

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

When i first got on IG, I only posted my food🍏🥙🥦🍓, then my wise but bossy, older sister Chalene 😝 told me people need to SEE you in order to connect with you & then be inspired by you.

So then I started posting a dark pic here & there 👤😆and honestly, that’s WAY easier now but still selfies are not my favorite (but SO worth it to do what I do).

Then once other fitness professionals started posting videos, I said, “oh no way! once I have a 6-pack, then I’ll post videos on IG☝☺️” Haha… good thing I didn’t wait ! I shut that voice down & put my big girl pants on (well my high-waisted lululemons that is☺️) & posted some HIIT workouts which I LOVE to create due to teaching bootcamp for years (capitalize on YOUR strengths & history)!

If I didn’t step out of my comfort zone, which wasn’t comfy anyway- it was stagnant – I wouldn’t be fulfilling my passion and my *responsibility* to help other women in fitness and in business!

So gurrrlll, what are you waiting for?

Don’t wait for the “perfect time” because there will ALWAYS be a million reasons why it might not be the perfect time.

There’s ALWAYS a slew of people smarter, prettier, more qualified, leaner, etc etc but no one has your exact history, experiences, skills or unique strengths. Own that & focus on what you DO have right now. If you’ve got one GOOD reason to act now, go for it and learn as you grow 😁💫

Get out of your own way and go public with your journey

I hear all the time from women who won’t put their fitness/health journey on social media because they fear judgement from friends & family. I get that fear *completely* 💯 . I used to avoid pics, videos & wasn’t on social media📵. What would people think of me?!😧 I’m naturally a more private person.

But people are going to judge NO MATTER WHAT. In fact, the more private you are, the more people seem to ASSUME or make up your story! 😼We all judge, we all GET judged. It’s human nature. The longer you care so much about how others view you, the longer you delay truly living your life.

☝🏼Others don’t know your struggles, they don’t pay your bills, they don’t raise your kids, they don’t know what makes you happy, they don’t know your ideas or have your vision ..so their opinions are based on THEIR experiences & history. How is that even relevant to YOU??? It’s not.

So get outta your own way & go public with your journey. You’ll have more accountability, better results & inspire MORE ..making you more likely to be motivated to continue