That voice in your head…

That voice in your head...Right??

I have to remind myself all the time! I hope you do too! It’s that inner battle we have to win!

What Causes Stress?

What Causes StressThis is what causes STRESS, agreed ?

We think it’s going to happen a certain way, on a certain timeline.. & when it doesn’t, we get stressed.

What helps you manage that??

I try to only look FORWARD & quickly let go of what was “supposed to be.”

Seek Respect, Not Attention

Seek Respect, Not AttentionRight?!

‪‎Quote of the day‬

Your Vision

Your VisionSo true, right?!
I love this quote!

Pre Weekend PepTalk

What’s more difficult -weekends or weekdays??Pre Weekend PreTalk

Weekends often include going out to eat, alcohol, more access to food/snacks because you’re not distracted by work, less of an eating routine & just generally MORE TEMPTATIONS.

Couple all that with a missed workout(s) or lack of activity & you could be gaining a half of a pound of FAT every weekend! Maybe more.

You might not see it until later but it adds up weekend after weekend. I have to remind myself how HARD I work & how hard it is to lose unwanted fat. You have to decide WHEN it’s worth it & when it’s not.

How to PREVENT it:
1. Grocery shop BEFORE the weekend to stock up on more fruits & veggies, your fav healthy treats, a motivating fitness magazine & more water!

2. Determine your game plan.. What will you eat this weekend & when? What’s worth it & what’s NOT. When do you need to bring snacks & when does your workout HAVE TO happen?

3. Get an accountability partner or join a challenge group for accountability

4. Fit your workout in EARLY

5. Remove all *trigger foods* & drinks from sight and access.

Pushing Through

Pushing ThroughAgree?! What are you working towards right now?

Big goals can be overwhelming to tackle. Focus on the smaller actions & triumphs. Success comes with the accumulation of small actions taken daily towards progress & there WILL be bumps in the road & setbacks.. Just follow them with comebacks!

The Fight in the Dog

The Fight in the DogI love this quote!!

No matter what your talents or obstacles are compared to someone else, your hard work & perseverance will trump all !

Which do you struggle with?

struggleWhich one are you struggling with??

You have to keep tweaking what you’re doing until you find that right balance that works for you, given YOUR lifestyle, YOUR weaknesses, YOUR goals …and then you have to be PATIENT. Once you are working on all of the above CONSISTENTLY for 8-12 weeks (with a NO EXCUSES attitude), that’s when long-lasting results start setting in & long-lasting habits start forming.

To accomplish what you NEVER have before, you have to give up & take on some things you NEVER have before.


GoalsWhat are your October goals, fitfam ??

I have more goals than this & they are more detailed than I have here but my point is.. It helps SO much to write them down & especially to say them or post them publicly. So.. Your turn!