Your journey begins at the end of your comfort zone

I love the quote “your journey begins at the end of your comfort zone” because it’s SO true!!!

When you hear yourself saying “that didn’t feel right to me, so I stopped” ask yourself if it was simply because you were finally making a change – stepping outside your comfort zone- and since that is HARD and uncomfortable, you legitimized the “I quit”.

I’m not saying it’s always the case. But too often I see people (& myself included) giving up on things because “it didn’t feel right” when in fact, anything outside your comfort zone, anything new/unknown, doesn’t really feel good for awhile ..and yet that’s where the magic happens💫.

Stop Comparing to Others

Soo.. what is this pose called anyway ??

Regardless.. my point is, attitude & self confidence is freakin everything, right?

Whether it pertains to your fitness, your business, your career, etc., you have to get in YOUR lane and run your own race. Shift your mindset to one of appreciating the chance to learn so much on the journey.

p.s. Even though I don’t know what this pose is called, I like it


Sugar Buster Group Results!

This picture depicts how I feel right now after finishing my Sugar Buster group!!

It was so rewarding! What are YOU struggling to give up ???

It is NOT easy to cut down on added sugars, but you feel SO much better and you can’t even imagine all the damage excess sugar is doing to you, your kids, and our society in general. No, I’m totally NOT perfect… I’m a recovering chocoholic and carbaholic, but that’s why I’m passionate about it. It’s part of my own personal journey to improve


One of my goals for June is to be better at writing down my goals ☝🏼🙂

No but really, I’m not naturally organized.. and that’s an understatement. I see the big picture like crazy but have to force myself on the details. Anyone else like this??

I don’t know what I’d do without the organized people in my life that I learn from – my husband, my sister, and my assistant who’s more like our business Sr VP 👩🏻‍💻👌🏼

p.s. I love this smartlifepushjournal color

Mix It Up!

Mix it up my friends!! In lifting, in cardio, in nutrition, in business & in life! Stick to your priorities, core values and stay loyal – I’m all about that – but keep trying new things outside your comfort zone. Forget what people will think💭. Will they be paying your bills, raising your kids, overcoming YOUR struggles or with you as you grow old? Why is it so important to you what others think/say?

Share /comment if you agree!

Lifting inspired by Misty Copeland 💕🏋️

As soon as I have more time, I’ll….

1. “As soon as I have more time, I’ll _____.”

2. “Once I’m at my ideal weight, I’ll _____.

3. “After I’ve got my ducks in a row, I’ll _____.”

Which one have you said?

I’ve said all these things at one time or another to legitimize what was actually fear of failure or judgement. But now I realize there never really is the perfect time, the perfect situation, and all the ducks never stay in a row. There’s ALWAYS something that will come up.

Once you accept that your mindset & actions will determine your success, rather than your perceived weaknesses and obstacles, I have no doubt you’ll make a decision to start ..and commit to the inevitably-imperfect journey. You just have to trust the process is teaching you exactly what you need.

Don’t Strive To Fit In

.. and mondays. I’m not concerned about what everyone else is doing☝🏼☺️

Don’t strive to fit in. Don’t be a follower. Be a leader. I don’t want to be associated with having a lot of followers. I’d MUCH RATHER be associated with developing a lot of LEADERS.

Success Consists Of…

Oh my ! YES!!
What’s something you accomplished that made you so proud even given so many fears/failures to get there ?

It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light

What was your fitness & nutrition like today!??

“It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light” ~unknown

So much of what contributes to success in fitness, in your career or business, in relationships, etc, are the little extra steps we take each day behind-the-scenes, the inconvenient, life-out-of-balance, sometimes-scary-steps that compound into something significant over time⌛️. It’s SO cool when your extra unnoticeable efforts start to pay to off.

Work SMART with persistence if the end result really IS what will make you happier & a better person. Then, decide to commit to persistence and patience ☝🏼

If you plan to be Successful

If you plan to be successfulThe first few times I did a Turbo class, the first few times I taught fitness classes, the first few months as a coach, the first few times I held a team training, etc.. I bombed all these things at first💣!


It can be frustrating and embarrassing but only if you LET it get to you!


Expect & welcome the learning opportunities!📈