Tips to run a successful business

Quick 15-Min Interval

What’s your favorite cross trainer shoe for these types of workouts?? Please share!

People ask me all the time but I’m not that helpful because I pretty much just stick to my Nike Epic Reacts but they’re technically a running shoe.
Anywayyys, here’s a quick 15-Min Interval.
But warm up first!☝🏼

3 ROUNDS⭕️⭕️⭕️
* 1 Min Jump Squats
* 1 Min Modified Burpee + Jack
* 1 Min Kettlebell Swing (I used 35#)
* 1 Min Weighted Sumo Squat Jumps
* 1 Min Front kick + Jack

Post Vacation Bloat

Just a gut check! Finally after being home a week from vacation, I feel back to my normal self! While I always workout on vacations & eat pretty healthy, still the restaurant foods, switching time zones & long flights take SUCH a toll.. omg.

Tips to lose the bloat post-vacation:

Drink lots of water
Get 8 hours of sleep
Work out
Avoid artificial sweeteners
Avoid sugary foods
Avoid FODMAPs if you’re sensitive to them (small-chain carbs found in foods like wheat, onion, garlic, pears.. if sensitive to them, they can draw water into your  intestines and ferment causing bloat)
If Dr approves, consider a cleanse or fast (do your research)
Get outside & move more
Limit/avoid alcohol (dehydrates you increasing bloat)
Watch your intake of soluble fiber that could be causing the bloating – oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, fruits

No show socks that don’t show?

When you find a pair of no show socks that actually don’t show, let me know, okay??

The Stanz & Lululemon no-shows fall off my heels.

The Lorna Jane invisible is my favorite but they’re always sold out

Quick Cardio Interval

Simple, but effective, yesss??

You can add this on to the end of your lift sesh just to increase calorie & fat burn!
I used 15lb dumbbells for the Thrusters, an 8lb med ball, sliders that are a part of our new program about to launch, & 5lb dumbbells for the Lunge w/lateral raise!

Please don’t forget to warm up first & stretch after

Let’s Talk Injuries

Ok, let’s talk injuries!! Who’s injured & what’s your injury???

The science behind kinesio tape aka ktape seems legit! If you have an injury & want to do everything to heal faster, check it out. It’s coming off for the trip to Vegas for Leadership but will get back on it afterwards. Luckily, the higher the heel I wear right now, the better I can walk But constantly wearing wedges may have contributed to this tear . So I will get better about being flat footed more often! (Don’t hold me To It )

Hotel workouts with a gastroc tear

Hotel workouts with a gastroc tear are not my favorite but there’s always SOMETHING you can do! The worst thing you can do is just go sedentary until it heals up. I am working with some awesome women in my “strength & performance” Group & they’re adopting the same no excuses attitude!
And luckily wearing high heels here in Vegas allows me to walk just fine

Physical Therapy for Calf Tear

Dry needling, cupping (ouch!), scraping, ultra sound therapy, strength, stretching, and throwing a ball at me while I’m balancing on a bosu ball on one leg .. we do all that 2x a week & the calf tear is healing fast!

I highly recommend PT Link Physical Therapy in Toledo!


If you want results…

Total Body Lift (on BOD) + 25 min Spin + my fav BCAAs =

If you want results, you’re going to have to stop doing what’s comfortable – workouts & eating habits- even though they may already may be challenging & healthy.

Keep your body & your taste buds guessing so you’re not plateauing or getting BORED.

If you want results

Make the decision to change the direction of your life

Ugh.. that bicep shrunk a little! My lifting has been slacking a little this summer & surprise surprise, it shows! As a Coach, I have to step it up! The best built in accountability comes from having to lead by example, not with perfection but with authentically working towards your best you.

I was asked recently why I’m stronger & fitter now than I was 10+ years ago in the Turbo cast. Mainly it’s bcuz I don’t sit at a desk all day anymore & actually have more time for my workouts, more time for sleep, healthy meals & reduced stress.

Once you make the decision to change the direction of your life, your actions follow. Don’t wait for your actions to change & then assume the decision to commit will come to you. It doesn’t happen that way. The decision comes first & that’s up to you!

Lacrosse Ball for Rehab

Who’s injured & therefore off the exercise wagon??

I use a lacrosse ball against the wall to relieve that nagging knot I sometimes get in my traps, or sometimes it’s near my scapula, or at my lower back -the Quadratus Lumborum muscle. There are tons of great rehab accounts on FB & IG that might help u! Just do some searches.

Don’t just assume your aches, pains & injuries are reasons to stop exercising all together …see a Dr if it warrants that but definitely don’t just throw in the towel -work to improve the root of the problem.