Tips to run a successful business


SorenessDo you have a love/hate relationship with soreness? I’m curious–how often are YOU sore?

I know I don’t stretch enough. About to sit down and enjoy my afternoon coffee at the lake, but sitting is a struggle.

Work in Progress

Work in ProgressAnyone working thru an injury?

I want to strengthen my hamstrings SO badly yet I have a hamstring injury from MAY that still hasn’t fully healed so I still have to baby it.

I probably need to foam roll more! Grrr

Workout T’s With Ruching

Workout T's With RuchingYou’ve seen dresses with “ruching” but have you seen workout T’s with ruching?!? Genius!

This one I’ve DRENCHED in sweat is Nike. Some workout tops are SO tight that any bit of flab shows.. No thank u! Others are SO loose, you look 20lbs heavier.

I think I want one of these in every color! On a shopping spree Matt today celebrating our anniversary and these are on my list!

Pretend It’s Easy

Pretend It's EasyWho has time for an ineffective workout?! Not me! Improve on something. Add something new! Push past your normal weight, reps, and/or improve range/depth.

Don’t just go thru the motions. Your body adapts to that wayyy too easily.

Time to Turbo!

Time to Turbo!Too matchy matchy?!?? Too late now..time to Turbo!

Workout Clothes

Do you live in your workout clothes?

It can come in handy for the spontaneous handstand moments

Just Did It

What’s your ‪workout‬ today?!

We got a 5-mile run in this morning. I wasn’t looking forward to running-I was sore from yesterday’s water skiing‬, running hills and doing ‪Bodybeast‬ with my mom. I especially didn’t want to run at Matt’s pace, which is basically my race-pace.

But I loosened up as I went and I’m SO glad I didn’t over-think it and ‪Just Did It‬! Time to stretch!

Get Your Workout In

What’s your workout‬ today?

Get your workout in so you can move on with your day!

Lake Time

Enjoying ‪‎lake time‬ with friends! What’s on your agenda today?

Kids and Fitness

Are your kids working out/eating healthier because they see YOU doing it? As a parent, it’s gotta be one of the best feelings of accomplishment when you see your kid making healthy food choices and *willingly* doing workouts!! If the healthy food and fitness is made FUN, they’re in!

This was our son and Cory Miller’s son carrying a pipe filled with water after they finished their crossfitkids workout at Black Swamp CrossFit. How cute is Cory’s son’s perfect overhead form!?!

They also ran, flipped tires and played kickball! Our son is also doing some of the ‎T25‬ workouts…Willingly!!