Glutes & Hams

Glutes & HamsJust a sneak peak into my glutes & hamstring workout the other day. I did squats & lunges w/weight & w/Piyo Sliders, jumping lunges w/just body weight, deadlifts, leg extension machine, sprints on treadmill, speed skaters (shown), & hamstring curls with the ball (shown). Whew!

(Click the image to watch video.  Music will play 🙂 )

Shift gears.

Shift GearsShift gears.. There’s another level of intensity within you.


(Click image to watch video.  Music will play 🙂 )

The Dirty 30

dirty 30

Click image to play video:  WARNING: Music Plays 🙂

What do you want to see in videos?

Due to request… I’m just demo’ing a few of the things you can do with The Dirty 30 Crossfit inspired workout. Like I said in the post, if you can’t do knees to elbows (which is core work), you can do sit-ups with your legs, knees & feet in a frog position. I like using an ab mat & you can get one at Rogue .com or a PINK AbMat at Dicks Sporting Goods or use a Bosu Ball ). Use a band or do 30 push-ups on your knees instead of pull-ups. And instead of using a GHD for back extensions, do supermans on the floor as shown here 🙂

Again, what else do you want to see?

Get Your Sweat On

sweat(Click the image to play video. WARNING: Music Plays 🙂
Too much high impact for you?

You don’t always have to jump to get your sweat on. If this is too much jumping for you, try low-impact Piyo sweat ….or a series of push-ups, pull-ups, Walking Lunges, Kettlebell Swings, & triceps dips off a bench.. All low Impact but intense. #noexcuses

Anniversary Workout

Anniversary WorkoutClick the image to watch video (WARNING: Music will play! 🙂 )

This workout was dedicated to our 20year Anniversary today!

20 Sit Ups
20 HangCleans
20 Push Presses

4 ROUNDS for time!

You can do this with a Bodypump bar if that’s what you have. You can do 20 Piyo petals OR sit-ups on a stability ball if you don’t have access to a GHD. If you aren’t comfortable with cleans, do backsquats or squats with dumbells instead.
Will you do this?

I used 55 lbs & did it in 12:03.
C’mon, you can beat me! Warmup before & stretch after!

Hard work beats bad genetics

Hard work beats bad geneticsI’m not saying it’s easy. I’m just saying it’s doable & well worth your time.

Stick with it for the person you will become in the process #nevergiveup

Back Work

Back WorkJust a peak into some of the back work I do 🙂 (Click the image at the right to watch video).

I know some will think this is weak sauce, others will think “eww” or “gross” & for others it will inspire in some way. This post is only for the latter 🙂 Muscle Burns Fat

Toes to Bar for Abs, arms and shoulders

Toes To BarThe song.. Do you like it?! (Click the image on the right to play video.)

These are Toes To Bar & I don’t necessarily do them correctly (yet) but they’re fun to try to master & they’re great for an ab workout.

You Can’t Crunch Your Way to Flat Abs

Flat AbsI’m sure you already know, you cannot target one area for fat loss, unfortunately. You gain fat in the areas you are genetically predisposed to gain fat. Two people with the same weight, height & body fat % can have entirely different bodies & trouble’s genetics.

BUT…You can still lose that fat in your trouble zones, it’s just that the trouble zones will likely be the last area to shrink. It takes proper nutrition (including food types, portions, frequency & the necessary nutrients), cardio, sleep, water, stress relief, and STRENGTH TRAINING your entire body.

But, that said, gaining muscle in those areas DOES help the appearance of those areas. Muscle DOES increase your fat burning metabolism (the more muscle, the higher the metabolism), & muscle does give you your body its BEST shape.. among COUNTLESS other benefits.


ThrustersWhether it be a shoulders day or a leg day, I’ve been adding in 3 sets of thrusters to work on my form & build up total body strength & power!

I highly recommend them!

But search the Crossfit pro’s on IG for excellent form & technique! (This girl is just getting back to them after an injury).