Cut the self-sabotage & go after it imperfectly
Did you know I started out on IG by ONLY showing food pics?
I wanted to wait until I felt comfortable posting pics of myself. Unless you knew me personally, you wouldn’t have connected with my account because you wouldn’t have had ANY idea who the person was posting
.. all you saw was food & ingredients in the caption
. Then I realized I was only going to get comfortable doing it by actually DOING it
So I posted some pics looking to the side & from a distance steps.. but it started to get a little easier. I didn’t care as much what kind of impression I was making but instead focused on what kind of IMPACT I was making.
Then everyone starting posting videos & in watching some of the fitness gurus do this, I thought
I’d wait until I had a defined 6-pack like them
. I’ve been a fitness instructor & personal trainer on the side for YEARS, I thought I couldn’t possibly put a video up until I looked like that vision in my head
Now I laugh at this because WHO CARES if I had 5lbs to lose or 200.. inspiring others is about showing the journey- the ups AND the downs, & the progress for whomever happens to relate. It’s that voice in our heads that says it needs to all be a certain way & look a certain way from day 1 ..& that voice lies!
I quickly realized my ability to help other women like me & build a successful business for my family, would be halted by my own fear of judgement.. a selfish reason to wait in my opinion.
So what I’m trying to say is, if you’ve also caught yourself saying “I’ll do ____ once I have _____” stop & ask yourself who or what purpose you’re serving by waiting.
Timing & situations are NEVER perfect, so stop trying to kid yourself.
I’m SO glad I got out of my own head & took some leaps of faith
Truth is, posting pics & videos are still sometimes uncomfortable, but it’s a very SMALL price to pay for the fulfillment I get from being able to be a stay-at-home mom now, helping so many of you
& all the rewards of this business
Cut the self-sabotage & go after it imperfectly! So many new doors will open!