HIIT Workout

HIIT WorkoutWould you do this? I feel blessed to be able to categorize this as “work” for my business as a BB Coach. How does everyone not want to do this?

A whole #HIITworkout‬ just using a Les Millspump bench!

Warmup first.


1 min of each exercise below & only 10 sec transition in between each one (since every other exercise is less intense & acts as “active recovery”)

  • Plyometric runners lunges
  • Tricep Dips
  • Straddle jump squats
  • Tricep Push-ups
  • Quick Mountain Climbers
  • Toes to Med ball (or dumbell )
  • Alternating jumping side lunges
  • Piyo‬ pedal with Med ball (or dumbbell)

Cool down & stretch