Make the decision to change the direction of your life
Ugh.. that bicep shrunk a little! My lifting has been slacking a little this summer & surprise surprise, it shows!
As a Coach, I have to step it up! The best built in accountability comes from having to lead by example, not with perfection but with authentically working towards your best you.
I was asked recently why I’m stronger & fitter now than I was 10+ years ago in the Turbo cast. Mainly it’s bcuz I don’t sit at a desk all day anymore & actually have more time for my workouts, more time for sleep, healthy meals & reduced stress.
Once you make the decision to change the direction of your life, your actions follow. Don’t wait for your actions to change & then assume the decision to commit will come to you. It doesn’t happen that way. The decision comes first & that’s up to you!