Social Media Business Building Tips
What’s your favorite business or personal development podcast or book right now??
I prefer learning from *listening* vs reading, especially when it’s LIVE.
In a room full of fitness/health business owners, my sister not only drenched us in sweat with an amazing strength & flexibility workout but also gave us an hour of GOLD social media business building tips!! GOLD I tell you.. GOLD It’s legit AMAZING how you can design your life, work when & where you want to work, serve others & build a business, basically from your phone
It’s no longer about perfection, likes or trying to look like or be like the “successful” ones (it actually NEVER was about that last part).
You just have to be willing to take small, seemingly insignificant steps DAILY to become the person you aspire to be & share PIECES of that. Don’t overthink it! Just start!
As Chalene said
“plan to fail because that’s the ONLY way you’ll learn! Let it be a mess. Do it MESSY” ..But she also gave us SO many tips to reach and help more people & take “selling” out of the picture! Big huge THANK GOODNESS