
Sweet Potatoes & Avocado

Gimme all the sweet potatoes & avocado …2 of my faves🤩!!!

Made these today & they were STRAIGHT MONEY💰💰💰! ☝🏼

Avocado Toast

Would you prefer this with hummus vs avocado??

I love it either way.
We had avocado toast a couple times while in NYC & I just had to have it today!
So this was an Ezekiel English muffin, *toasted*, with wholly guacamole, tomato & goat cheese crumbles with Himalayan salt👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
I had this with my chocolate greens + protein shake post-workout. Perfect together!!Duuude you must share this delicious meal idea!! 💡


Who LOVES avocado?

Who LOVES avocado? Best guac recipe?

Did you know you can test the ripeness of an avocado if that little green stem part comes off easily & it’s green underneath?

Well this one has already lost that part & it’s GRAY there = rotting

Apparently lemon or lime juice on guacamole will keep it from browning for 1 extra day.

And if an avocado just has a few brown spots, I’ve read it’s ok to cut that out & eat the rest (yay, cuz that’s what I do!)

Salad in a wrap!!

I could barely close this!!
I think you can clearly see what’s on this, except that white bean hummus (sorry, no recipe-store bought) & the protein is ‪#‎wildplanet‬ light tuna. Quick & delish!🎯
Do you have my ‪#‎foodspiration‬ ebook downloaded yet?

Salad in a wrap

My usualDiscipline is about doing (and consuming) what you don’t necessarily want now to get what you DO want later (energy, muscle, fuel, ..RESULTS) Right? Who’s willing to overcome temptations now to feel AMAZING later!?!

We’ve got this!

p.s. This is my usual quinoa, tomatoes, avocado & this time it’s cut up Applegate Farms organic turkey breast.

More quick & healthy meal ideas in my downloadable ebook – F*R*E*E of course. Sign up here on my home page.

What’s for dinner??!

Whats for dinnerAny Thursday or Friday where we somehow dodge pizza is a win!!
Yes, sometimes it’s a to! But this was quinoa, white bean hummus, avocado, wild albacore tuna, & SALSA!!

Matt & T ate quinoa, steak & broccoli.
Yes, we sometimes are eating slightly different meals. What’s important in my book is that we all find ways to eat healthy foods we like!

Clean eating game

Clean eating gameWas your Friday clean eating game strong??

Any Friday that doesn’t include a whole pizza downed & a bad stomach ache & wondering why the hell I did that (again) is a win & deserves to be documented.

Sure I’ll still have Pizza on occasion but the Ultimate Reset I finished 2 weeks ago really helped me get back to the 90% clean eating I’m used to. (And yes, I worked out during the cleanse. And no, it’s not recommended but I upped my calories to accommodate it).

Between the Shakeology & salad here, there’s 4 servings of veg’s, 2 servings of fruit, & over 30g protein.

High protein, healthy & quick!!

High proteinMatt made this for us for lunch & he didn’t plate it up all pretty but had to share!

High protein, healthy & quick!! Organic quinoa, wild caught tuna, tomatoes, chopped onion & avocado! If you don’t have tomatoes, add salsa. If you don’t have avocado, add hummus!

Which is more helpful?

Applegate farmsWhat’s more helpful –

  1. Fitness motivation & help?
  2. Eating healthy motivation & help??

I love these Turkey burgers– Applegate Farms. I add a bit of seasoning + tomatoes + avocado! All of this on a toasted Ezekiel English Muffin

👌And my condiment today was just mustard. High protein clean eating🎯

A free ebook of healthy, QUICK, meal ideas on my blog .. 😊

Brown Rice Wrap

Brown Rice WrapThis is an Applegate Farms Turkey burger with grape tomatoes, avocado, olives, spring mix & non-fat plain Greek yogurt (☝bcuz it tastes like sour cream but is HIGH protein for a condiment), all on a FoodForLife brown rice wrap.

These wraps are kinda chewy. If you’re used to white flour wraps, these will take some getting used to..

Most “clean” foods will grow on you in time if you give up the high sugar/carbs/sodium foods (& forget what they taste like).

And yes, these kinda fall apart when you load them up like this..

A small price to pay to see RESULTS👍 🙌 😁.